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"Connie" he screamed as he held onto her hand, preventing her from falling but she was hanging overboard.

"Jacob help me." She begged.

"Don't worry sweet cheeks." He said. "I am not going to lose you." He held on to her tightly and pulled her up. He fell down with Connie on top of him. His arms went around her body protectively hugging her.

Neither of them bothered to move. He placed one of his hand on her head and gently moved his hand through her hair, playing with is as he tried to calm her down.

"You okay sweet cheeks." He asked.

"Yes Jacob." She simply said.

"Let's go home." He said and Connie nodded.

She got off from Jacob and stood up followed by Jacob. He entwined their fingers together as he slowly lead Connie down the roof and to his car.

"Mia must have gone home." He said. "She was here with me but I think she was too upset to see you in that state."

"I am sorry Jacob." She apologised.

He snaked his hands around her waist ash pulled her closer to him. "What for sweet cheeks." He asked.

"For everything." She replied. "For putting you through that."

"Hey it's not your fault." He said. "What matters is that you are here with me."
She smiled weakly and hugged him. "I love you Jacob."

"I love you too sweet cheeks." He replied. "Now let's get inside the car. It's freezing out here."

He opened the door for her and helped her sit. He pulled the seatbelt and clicked in onto its lock before he walked to his side and drove off.

They arrived twenty minutes later and Jacob helped her enter her house. "I want to see Mia." She said as she walked up the stairs. She went up to her room and open the door. Mia was laying on the bed crying. She was holding a picture of Connie. She moved closer to her and sat by the edge of the bed.

"Don't cry sweetheart." She said.

"It's all my fault." She said. "If I didn't leave you then this wouldn't have happened."

"None is this is your fault sweetheart." She said. "It was just a moment of weakness."

Mia got up and hugged her mum. "I am sorry mum." She cried. "I promise I will never ever leave you alone."

"It's okay  sweetheart." She reassured her. "I am sorry too."

They stayed like that for a few minutes and then Connie tucked Mia into bed allowing her to rest before she went into her room.

She had shower and got changed into a shorts and a vest. She went to her bed and laid down.

Jacob knocked on her door and then walked in. "You don't need to knock Jacob." She told him and he just smiled at her.

He walked to her and sat next to her. "Are you okay now sweet cheeks?" He asked.

"Yes Jacob." She said. "Don't worry I am alright."

"That's good." He replied. "Sleep for now. You need to rest." He said. He gently kissed the top of her head and then stood up to leave but she caught his hand.

"Stay." She said softly. "Stay with me."

He nodded and went over to the other side and got into bed. She moved closer to him and placed her head on his chest surprising Jacob who then put his arms around her waist pulling her even closer to her.

They both fell asleep knowing that tomorrow everything would be better...

I was so temped to kill off Connie.
I love Jacob and connie together but I don't know why I felt like I should have made her fall.

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