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"You know my mum?" She asked.

"Ermm yh.." He began to say but was interrupted by Mia.

"Connie...." She said. "Your partner...Connie and daughter...you haven't seen them. Connie..."

"Ermm Mia, go to my office please." She instructed but she didn't listen. "I said my office." She repeated herself.

"No mummy." She answered back. "You are the woman he was talking about. I am the child...I am his daughter. He is my dad."

Connie walked over and grabbed Mia's hand dragging her to her office. "And you follow me." She said as she looked at Jacob.

All three of them entered her office and Connie locked it. "Why are you here Jacob?" She asked harshly. "Everything was alright until now."

"No mum." Mia said. "You lied to me. You said dad left you but you lied...you told him to leave us.."

She went and sat on Connie's sofa. "For 18 years, I grew up without a dad." She said. "For 18 years, I hated the man I had never seen because of you mum. I hate you mum! I hate you."

Connie stood there is shock as her reaction. She knew one day, Mia would find out about her dad but she hasn't expected it to be like this. She went over and gently placed her hands on her shoulder but she pulled away. "Leave me alone." She shouted. "I hate you!"

Jacob walked over and sat next to her. "Come on Mia." He said. "What Connie did was wrong but you need to respect your mum. She looked after you since you were born. I am sure she loves you so you shouldn't say that to her."

He envelopes her into a hug and rocked her back and forth. "I am here now and I promise I wouldn't ever leave you but you need to apologise to your mum."

Mia reluctantly got up and moved to Connie's desk where she was siting on the chairs with tears pouring down her face. " I am sorry mum." She said.

Connie pulled her into a hug and continued to cry. "I am sorry too sweetheart."

Jacob got up and headed for the door. "Wait dad." Mia said. Jacob turned around. "I want to live with you. I want to know you."

He was happy. Extremely happy that his daughter had accepted him. "I would love that darling but I don't live here anymore." He said. " I live in Birmingham and I don't think you would want to move there."

"Then live with us." Mia said. "If I can't come with you, then you have to live with us. With me and mum."

"Ermm, I don't think that's great idea sweetheart." He replied. "Me and your mum...we don't get along anymore so I don't think she would want me there. But I will visit you, I promise." He turned and opened the door.

"Stay." Connie said.

He turned around and looked at her. "Sorry?"

"I said stay." She said. "You have the right to be with your daughter Jacob. There's a spare room so you can move in there if you want."

"Please dad." Mia begged. "For my sake."

After much thinking he said, "okay but only for you Mia. Nothing more as I can never forgive your mother for what she did to me.. With that he left her office...

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