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He arrived at the ED and the sight shocked him. Everyone was gathered outside watching as Connie stood on the roof of the ED, so close to the edge, trying to take her life.

He rushed upstairs with miss filleting closely behind. He was scarred! Scared that as he was going up, she would jump. He couldn't lose her. Not again after finally realising he was still in love with her.

Her reached the top to see Zoe trying to calm Connie down but it was of no use as she didn't listen.

"Connie." He called out softly.

Connie raised her head and locked only to see Jacob crying.

"Please come down." He said. "I am here for you." But Connie didn't. Instead, she walked backwards edging closer to the end...she was a few centimetres away from falling.

Listen to me sweet cheeks." He begged. "Get down from there.

Sweet cheeks!
Her favourite nickname. She pretended to have it but she actually loved it. She felt loved and cared for whenever he called her that. She experienced butterflies whenever he uttered that.
18 years since he last called her that. 18 years..

"No Jacob." She said. "I don't want to be here anymore. I want to die."

"Sweet cheeks." He said as he edge closer to her.

"Don't Jacob." She warned. "Or I will jump."

"Sweet cheeks, we need you here." He said. "I need you here with me. Mia needs you."

"Lies!" She shouted. By now everyone was on the roof trying to stop her from jumping. "Everyone hates me. You hate me and so does Mia. You both left me. Left me all alone."

"No one hates you sweet cheeks." He said. "Why would they hate a beautiful woman like you."

"My daughter Grace hates me." She said. "I drove her away from me. I prioritised my work over her and she left me. She hasn't spoken to me in over 20 years. She must be all grown up with her own family. I might have grandchildren that I will never see and it's all my fault." She added as tears began to pour down her face.

"I am sure she doesn't sweet cheeks." He reassured her. "She might be upset but that's because she misses you but she doesn't hate you. We can call her and even visit her if you want."

"No Jacob, she hates me and so does everyone here." She shouted. "Mia hates me too. All I have ever done is lied to her. Lied to her about everything."

"Please Connie." He begged. "Please come here. I am here now. I will protect you Connie."

"No Jacob." She said. "You have Cassandra now. I can't stay here anymore. Just go to your wife."

"I didn't get married Connie." He said. "I couldn't marry her."

She stood there in disbelief. He couldn't marry her! He couldn't move on. "I can't be here Jacob." She screamed. "I am tired"

She turned around and looked down. She was ready to jump. Jump and end her sorrows. She could no longer be around people that hate her. Well that's what she thought.

"What about me sweet cheeks." He simply said. "Will you just leave me alone."

"Why do you care if I jump." She asked. "You hate me too. I took your daughter away from you."

"But I don't sweet cheeks." He said. "I care for you Connie."

"You shouldn't." She shouted. "I am not a nice person. I shouldn't be here. You need to leave Jacob."

"I won't leave Connie." He said. "You are being selfish here. You are only thinking about yourself and no one else. Think about me for once sweet cheeks."

"Why?" She asked. "Why should I."

"Because I love you." He screamed shocking her. She never expected him to say that.

"What did..did you say?" She asked.

"I still love you Connie." He repeated himself. "I love you a lot."

"You..you do?" She asked quietly. "You love me?"

"Yes I do Connie." He said.

"You're are lying Jacob." She said. "You don't love me. You are only saying that so that I don't jump. But after, you will leave me alone again. And Mia will too."

"Buts it's the truth sweet cheeks." He said. "I love you and I have ever since I first saw you. I still love you even after all their years being apart. I thought I didn't but i was wrong. I am still in love with you like I was when we got together. You are everything to me Connie. You're my world. You are beautiful, funny, caring...and oh the things I could do to you Connie.."

"You still remember that?" She simply asked.

"Of course I do Connie." He said. "Believe me Connie, I am in love with you."

He edge closer and closer and stretched his hand out. "Why don't you get down from there." He said.

All the  staff and Mia watched as  Connie took a step as she tried to hold Jacob's hand but she slipped and edge backwards....

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