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"Mum why is dad and Chloe leaving." She asked as she walked into Connie's room. There she saw her, still curled up on the floor crying.

"Mum." She said as she rushed to her side. "What's wrong."

Mia helped Connie off the floor and onto the bed where she sat with her as Connie rested her head in Mia's legs. "Please tell me what's wrong?" She said. "And why is dad leaving again."

"I have lost." Replied as she continued to cry. "Lost once again."

"What do you mean?" Mia asked. She was concern. Lately all her mother did was cry. Day and night!

"You need to know the full truth." Connie said. She began telling her everything about her, since before she joined the ED. she told her about the time Jacob came and how they got together. "And you have another sister." She said.

"Excuse me?" She said. "Another sister? Who! How!"

"Her name is Grace." She said. "She left and went to live with her dad in America."

"Why was her dad in America in the first place." Mia asked.

"Because I used him too." She admitted. "I wanted a child so badly that I used him for the job. And when Grace left me, I used your father, Jacob too. For the same reason."

Mia pulled away making Connie sit up. "So you used Sam and then you used my dad." She said. "Just because you wanted children."

"Yes." She quietly accepted.

"That's messed up mum." She shouted. "I have always been with you and supported you but all you ever did was lie to me. All my life, you have lied to me about everything! About my dad! About Grace."

"Mia please listen to me." She said. "I never really loved Sam. I just wanted a child."

"And dad?" She asked.

"I loved your dad and I still do Mia." She screamed.

"So why did you leave him." She asked. "Why did you push him away when you loved him. You are just a lair and I hate you."

She got out the bed and headed for the door. "I am going with dad too." She said. "I can no longer stay with you. All you have done is lied to me and now I am tired." She slammed the door as she left.

Connie sank down and continued to cry. She has lost everything again. In a matter of minutes, she had lost her entire family..again! First Sam, then Grace ..Jacob and now Mia too...

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