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Jacob had agreed to meet his girlfriend at 4pm along with Mia and Chloe.

"We'll be late Mia." He said. "We need to leave now."

Mia walked down wearing her pajamas. "Err..why aren't you dressed yet?" He asked.

"I am not going anywhere without my mum." She said. "She will be alone once again so I will stay with her."

"But you agreed to come with me." He replied.

At that instance, Connie walked down wearing her shorts and vests. "Mia, why aren't you dressed darling." She asked.

"Because I am not going anymore." She simply replied.

"But why?" She asked. "Go and enjoy yourself."

"And leave you alone mum?" She said. "We have always been together mum so if you are not going them I am staying with you."

Connie was touched to hear Mia say that. She really adored her daughter. Couldn't imagine her life without her.

"It's okay sweetheart, you go." She said. "I will be okay, I promise."

"No mum." She simply said.

"I suppose Connie can come along." Jacob said. "If it makes you happy Mia then I don't mind."

Connie looked at Jacob and she Could see that he was annoyed. Clearly he didn't want Connie to come along but invited her for the sake of her daughter.

"Really dad." She beamed. "Thank you. Come mum, let's get changed."

Twenty minutes later, Mia and Connie walked down the stairs. Mia was wearing Jeans, top and a jumper whereas Connie wore black skinny Jeans and a top too but she wore her blue coat instead of a jumper....and of course, her louboutins.

They all left the house and Connie locked it before putting her keys in her bag. As she was walking towards the car, she tripped and nearly fall but felt two strong hands holding her.

"Careful Connie." He said as he looked at her.

"Thanks." Was all she could utter.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, his hands around her waist protecting her. Their eyes fixated on each other.

"Ermm...hello." Mia said. "We are waiting here you know."

Jacob removed his hands and Connie straightened herself and began to walk to the car. Mia sat at the back with Chloe insisting she sat next to Mia leaving Connie with no choice but to sit at the front with Jacob.

The car journey was in silence. Both Mia and Chloe had earphone on, listening to music whilst Connie  sat awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

As Jacob tried to change the gear, his hand brushed against Connie's making her look at him. They shared an eye lock and then Connie looked away.

They arrived at the restaurant where half an hour later. They walked inside and Jacob waved a a woman sitting down.

"She's there." He said as he walked towards her. As they got there, the woman stood up and Jacob gently kissed her making Connie boil with jealousy.

"Mum." Chloe said as she hugged her. "I have missed you."

"Me too Chloe." She said whilst smiling. "Don't you want to introduce me."

"Of course mum." Chloe replied. "This is Mia, my sister and that's Connie, her mother."

"Hello." Mia said.

"Aren't you pretty." Chloe's mum said and then pulled her into a hug. "I am Cassandra, Chloe's mum."

Cassandra looked and Connie and extended her hand to shake hers. "Hello, it's lovely to meet you." She said as they shook hands. "Likewise." Connie replied.

Connie felt really awkward siting there with Jacob and Cassandra who seemed okay at the fact Connie was Jacob's partner  before . She didn't seemed bothered whatsoever whereas Connie was uncomfortable.

"Mum, are you okay?" Mia asked.

"I will be right back," she said. "Need the toilet." She added before leaving.

When she walked back 5 minutes later, she was in for surprise...

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