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"Pregnant!" He asked shockingly.

"Yes Jacob, five months pregnant." She replied.

"I don't know what today." He simply stated.  He looked at Connie and held her hand.

"Jacob I should go." Connie said as she tried to pull away her hand but Jacob tightened the grip.

"You are not going anywhere Connie." He said. "You deserve to stay here.

"Jacob." Cassandra called out. "I can't go through with the pregnancy on my own. I need you now."

He stood up and walked closer to Cassandra. "Listen, you can stay here if you want but I am not going to leave Connie alone." He said. "She's my fiancée now so I am staying with her."

He turned  and walked toward Connie. She held her hand and directed her upstairs. Once inside the room, connie let go of his hand and sat by the bed.

"Jacob I .." She began to say but Jacob stopped him. "Connie if you are going to tell me to go back to her then I won't." He said. " I love you Connie and I am not leaving you alone."

Connie was defeated. She knew it was best not to say anything. They stripped down and climbed on their bed naked. Jacob placed his hands around her waist and pulled her closer to him. "Goodnight beautiful." He said and then kissed the top of her head. "Good night muscles."


Three months  went by and Cassandra was still at Connie's house. Cassandra had been trying hard to get Jacob back but Jacob was not interested. He completely dismissed her as he knew how Connie was feeling. He knew she was comfortable with Cassandra being there but couldn't say anything as she was carrying Jacob's baby.

"Hello." Jacob said as he answered the phone. He cut the phone and called out for Connie.

"We need to go to the ED." he said.

"Why?" She asked.

"Cassandra met with an accident." He replied. "She is in a critical state."

They soon left and Jacob speeded of to the ED. Once there, they rushed to resus where they knew Cassandra was being treated.

"What happened?" Connie asked.

"Collision with another car." Rita explained. "She's critical."

"Save the baby." Cassandra cried. "Please."

Connie had to perform an emergency C-Section to save the baby.

"It's a baby girl." She said as she passed the baby to Jacob to clean.
Jacob cleaned her and dos all the necessary checks. Once done, he placed the baby on Cassandra's hands.

"She's beautiful." She said. She kissed the baby and within minutes, her health started to deteriorate. "Please look after my baby. Love her as your own please." Cassandra said and soon after Connie could no longer find a pulse.

"I am sorry Jacob." She said. "But Cassandra is no more."

She pulled Jacob into a hug but soon broke up after hearing the baby cry. Connie went over to the baby cot and picked the baby.

"Hello sweetheart." She said as she rocked her side to side. She was her mother. A mother after a long time but it scared her.

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