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Everyone was shocked at her answer, Jacob the most.

"You don't?" He asked in disbelief.

"I am sorry Jacob but I can't marry you." She said and then rushed off out of the church.

Jacob followed closely behind with Mia and Chloe. They found Cassandra sitting in the waiting room.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked her. "Why did you refuse."

"I can't Jacob." She replied. "I just can't."

"Why though?" He asked. "I thought you loved me."

"I do Jacob." She replied. "I love you a lot but I can't marry you."

"But why baby." He asked.

She looked at Jacob for while without uttering a word. She took his hands on hers. "Because I can't take you away from the woman that loves you the most." She replied.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"Connie." She said. "She texted you but I had your phone so I looked at it."

"Cassandra..." He said.!

"She loves you Jacob." She said. "She still truly loves you a lot even now."

"But.." He began to say only to be stopped by her.

"No Jacob, I am not upset but I will be if I marry you cause I know I will feel guilty." She said. "I know she left you before, but she loves you a lot Jacob and I can't take you away from her."

"You also love her too." She continued. "Although you say you hate her, you don't Jacob. I can see it in your eyes Jacob. The love you have for her. The desire to be with her. You are in pain whenever she is hurting and I know it broke your heart seeing her after when you proposed. If that isn't what you call love, then what is it Jacob."

He didn't know how to answer her. It was true that even after all those years, Connie was the only woman he truly loved a lot. Yes he had feelings for Cassandra ,  she is the mother of his daughter but Connie, she was the one who captured his heart. He fell for heart the minute he saw her in the ED.

"Jacob." She said. "Say something."

"I don't know what to say." He replied. "Where will you go? And Chloe, will you take her away from me?"

"Chloe is yours as much as she is mine." She replied. "You will always be his father. I got a job offer in America and it's up to her whether she wants to come or stay."

Jacob looked at Chloe. "What do you want to do?"

Chloe walked over to her mum and sat next to her. "Mum I really love you but...but I want to stay here please." She said. "But i will come to visit you whenever I am on holiday but until you go to America, I will stay with you."

"It's okay sweetheart." She replied. "And I love you too." She said as she hugged Chloe.

She looked at Jacob but looked blank. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. Cassandra stood up and walked to him.

"Go Jacob." She said. "Go to her"

Jacob ran out of the room with Mia following him. They got inside the car and speeded of to Connie's house.

"Connie." He said as they entered the house.

"Mum." Called out Mia but there was no response.

They walked upstairs and into Connie's room. It was empty! Something caught Jacob's attention and he walked over to the bed.

There, lay two letters...addressed to Jacob and Mia...

Sorry it was rushed but hope it didn't disappoint anyone! Xx

Was debating whether to have a happy ending or sad ending when it ends soon! Xx what got you guys think! Xx

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