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Connie woke up to find herself still naked in bed. Her head was resting on his chest, his hands around her waist and their legs tangled together.

She smiled, the first time she smiled in a long time, but her happiness was short lived when she remembered yesterday's event.

"Jacob." She said in a panic as she woke him up. "Get up Jacob."

He groaned as he opened his eyes. "It's still early." He said. "Go back to sleep Cassandra."

She was shocked. He called her Cassandra. "It's Connie." She said quietly. Tears threatening to escape her eyes.

Jacob got up quickly. "Shit Connie." He said. "What happened?"

She felt awkward being there. Jacob had thought she was Cassandra. He never wanted her in the first place. "We slept together."

He then remembered what had happened yesterday. Connie coming home drunk...him carrying her...her crying and then the kiss....

"I don't remember how it happened." Connie said. "Do you?"

"No, just remember you being drunk." He said. He didn't want to tell her  everything that had happened.

"What am I going to do." He said as he started pacing across the room. "She will be Heartbroken once she finds out. We can't tell her."

"She deserves to know the truth Jacob." She said.

"No she doesn't." He said. "We won't say anything. Anyways, it was a mistake. It never meant anything so it doesn't matter."

"Is that what it was?" She asked surprisingly. "A mistake?"

"Yes Connie." He replied. " it was just a stupid mistake that shouldn't have happen."

"A mistake to you but not to me." She confessed. "I don't regret what happened between up last night Jacob."

"No Connie." He said. "It was just a mistake."

"I love you Jacob." She said softly. "I still do after all those years.

"Don't Connie please." He said. "Don't say anything."

Connie got up and draped the covers around her body. She walked towards Jacob and stood facing him. "But its the truth Jacob." She said as she gently caressed his face. "I love you Jacob..a lot."

Jacob pushed Connie's hand away from him. "No Connie, just forget about last night." He said. "It meant nothing. I love Cassandra now... She is going to be my wife Connie and I have cheated on her because of you."

Connie fell on the floor crying. "No Jacob please don't say that." She begged. "I still love you Jacob and I know you love me too..."

"No i don't Connie." He said. "I did once but not now.." He began to leave but Connie held onto his legs.

"I am so sorry Jacob." She said. "Sorry for hurting you. I am sorry for separating you away from your daughter! I played with your feelings..I pushed your away but I was just scared. I have always been scared of relationships...I guess I am just insecure!"

She began to cry as Jacob felt the tear drops on his legs.

"I have lost everyone that I love Jacob. People that were important to me... I lost them Jacob. I always put my work first and they all left me. Sam, whom i thought loved me,left me. Grace left me too...Then you came and you made me happy with your silly antics and the annoying names that i actually loved. I guess I was scarred..scared that I was going to hurt you..thats why i pretended to never ever loved you. That's why I pushed you away..because that is what i always do..I just push people away...the people that I love."

She continued crying and that sight was making Jacob hurt. He couldn't see her like that. His heart ached whenever she saw Connie crying. He looked down so see her curled up by his legs, still holding the tight. He moved his legs and left whilst Connie said, "Please Jacob" she cried. "Don't leave alone..I love you..."

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