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"Happy anniversary mum and dad." Chloe and Mia both said as Jacob and Connie opened the door.

Connie hugged Chloe whilst Jacob hugged Mia and then they swapped.

"I missed you sooo much." Connie said as they walked into the living room.

"We missed you too mum." They replied. 

Jacob stood there pretending to be hurt. "So you only missed your mum."

"Awww you know we missed you too." They both said as they moved over and hugged him once again.

"Where's Leah?" Chloe asked.

"Garden, playing." Jacob replied.

"She doesn't know you were coming back." Connie added.

Chloe and Mia walked towards the Garden to see Leah jumping on the trampoline.

"Knock knock." Mia said caused Leah to turn around and look at them, a smile forming on her face.

"Mia...Chloe..." She squealed as the jumped off and ran towards them. They hugged their little sister and then passed her a bag, full of gifts. "I missed you both." She she hugged them again before running inside to Connie and Jacob.


"Seven years." Mia said. "You've been married for seven years."

"Yup." Jacob grinned as he leaned forward and kissed Connie.

"Ewwe mummy and daddy are kissing." Leah said causing everyone go laugh.

"How did you actually meet?" Chloe asked. "I know you worked together but how did dad win you over and stuff.."

"Well...she couldn't resist me even though she tried so hard." Jacob teased causing Connie to playfully hit him.

"He walked into resus pretending to be Mr Know it all and I just couldn't take my eyes off him." Connie said.

"But she didn't give in and let me take her out... We had to play the chasing game until she finally gave in after a hectic shift." Jacob added. "She called me to her office for drinks and next thing I knew was us in her room. How we got there...I don't even know." He laughed.

Everyone started laughing at both of them. "What an interesting way to get together." Mia said.

"But I am glad you did." Added Chloe. "I couldn't have wished for better parents. I love you both."

" we love you too." They said. "And you Mia...and Leah."

"But most importantly, I love you Connie." Jacob said.

"Likewise muscles." She replied.

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