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"You ready to go?" Jacob asked.

"Yes." She replied. She strapped the baby girl into her car seats and headed out of the ED.

Once inside Jacob's car, connie placed her hand on his thigh, gently tracing out small circles.

"You okay?" He asked sensing something is wrong with her.


"Connie, tell me." He said.

She looked at him and smiled weakly. "What are we going to tell Chloe?" She asked.

"The truth Connie." He simply stated.

"Okay." She repeats then looked away. She turned around to see the baby fast asleep.

"I am scared". She uttered.

"Scared?" He asked.

"Jacob, last time I looked after a baby was 18 years ago." She said. "I am scared about everything. Scared of being a terrible mother once again. I ruined it with Grace and Mia and now her. I am scared."

Jacob placed one hand on her thighs soothing her. "Hey hey, you don't need to be scared connie." He replied. "You are not on your own as because I am here."

She looked at him and smiled. "I love you Jacob." She said. "I love you a lot and I don't want to live a single day without you."

They arrived at home to find Chloe and Mia watching a movie.

"Ermm where did the baby come from." Asked Mia.

"She's your sister." He replied. "Cassandra's baby."

"Where's Mum?" Chloe asked.

Jacob looked at connie and then went to sit next to Chloe. "Chloe, your mum met with an accident. She didn't make it." He said.

Tears started streaming down her face. She left the room and ran upstairs with Jacob following behind but connie stopped him. "I will go." She said and headed upstairs.

She opened her bedroom door and walked inside. "Chloe." She said as she sat on her bed. "I am sorry sweetheart."

"I miss her already." She said as she cried. Connie held her and hugged her. "I know I know." She said. "But I am here for you. I know I can never take her place but I am always here for you. I treat you and Mia equally."

Chloe cried whilst Connie rocked her back and forth. "I love you mum". She said.

Connie pulled Chloe away and looked at her. "What did you say?" She asked.

"I am sorry..I ..." She said but connie cut her short. "It's okay sweetheart, I was just overwhelmed but I would be honoured of you call me mum." She said.

After a while, connie looked at Chloe who had stopped crying. "Do you want to see your sister?" She asked.

Chloe nodded and held Connie's hand as they walked downstairs...

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