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Jacob arrived at Connie's house later than he intended to. Mia was already asleep when Connie opened the door for him.

"Come in." She said as she moved to allow him to enter. "I will take your your room." She locked the door putting the chain and then walked up the stairs followed by Jacob.

"Ermm...here you are." She said. Jacob entered the room and placed his bag on the bed. The room was simple, with only a king size bed and a wardrobe plus a bedside table.

"Thank you." He said.

"Ermm, I will see you tomorrow morning then." She said as she left the room. She went towards her room and got changed before going to bed.

The next morning, when Connie went downstairs, Mia was already awake, taking to Jacob. He was making breakfast: sausages and eggs.

"Morning sweetheart." She said as she kissed the top of her head. "Morning Jacob."

"Morning." They both said simultaneously.

"Dad is making breakfast today." She said. "Did he ever make breakfast for you?"

Connie looked at Jacob and then back at Mia. "Ermm..why don't you concentrate on what you ate doing." She said quickly trying very hard to avoid the subject.

"I will take that as a yes." Mia said but Connie and Jacob never uttered a word.

After eating, Connie got ready and left ft work. She had to get away form there. She couldn't be in the same room as Jacob...not after what she had done to him.


"I am home Mia." Connie shouted as she entered her house. It was quiet meaning Mia must be upstairs.

She walked into the kitchen and got out s drink before retreating to her sofa. Not soon after, the door opened and Jacob came in.

"Hey." She said but he completely ignored her and went upstairs. He came back down ten minutes later with Mia behind him.

"Are you going somewhere?" She asked.

"Yeh, dad is taking me to dinner today." She replied.

"Oh okay." She said. "Have fun."

Mia looked at her mum and she knew that Connie was upset. She took out her phone and sent a text message.

Can I invite her along?

It's up to you but I am not talking to her.

I can't leave her alone so I am doing it.

"Mum, do you want to come along." She asked.

"It's okay sweetheart." She lied. "I am tired so i am going to sleep. You enjoy yourself."

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes." She simply replied before making her way upstairs into her room.

Jacob and Mia left and went a new restaurant that opened earlier that week. He then took her to a dessert place where she had chocolate cake out of all the things she could have. "Can I get an extra slice please." She asked.

"Still hungry?" He replied.

"No but mummy loves chocolate cake so I was going to buy it for her." She said.

He agreed so they bought the cake and then drove back home.

The lights were off as they walked in. Jacob locked the door whereas Mia went upstairs to her mum's room.

"Mum, I bought you cake." She as she entered but she found her sleeping. She was clutching a photograph and her face was swollen meaning she has cried herself to sleep.

Mia picked up the photograph. It was of Connie and Jacob, when she was five months pregnant.

"Where did you get that?" Jacob asked.

"Woh..you scared me." She said. "And mum was holding it. I think she was crying. Why are you here?"

"You forget your cake so I brought it up." He replied. "And don't worry, they are fake tears. She never once cared about me." He added as he left the room.

He entered his room and locked the door. He slid against and reached for his pocket to take his wallet out. He took a small picture..a picture of Connie that he had kept since he left.

He had always kept it in his wallet! "Why Connie...! Why did you hurt me when all I did was love you...?"He said as he cried...

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