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I am sorry I couldn't update yesterday. I was extremely tired. I will update another chapter maybe tonight!

Jacob picked his letter and slowly opened it.


By the time you read this letter, I would have been gone, but I just wanted to tell you something.

The day I met you was the most wonderful day of my life! The day where I felt alive again! The day where I found my missing piece.

The day I met you, my life changed...the way you made me feel is hard to explain. You made me smile in a special kind of way...you made me fall deeper in love everyday.

As soon as I walked into resus, you stole my heart! Oh the confidence, the attitude and the flirting got me all hooked up.

I love you Jacob and I have ever since I saw you. I have always been in love with you even when we were apart.You make me feel special! You make me feel beautiful!

I am really sorry for everything that I have ever done to you. I hope you have in your heart to forgive me one day..

I love you.


By the time Jacob read the letter, tear were streaming down his face! He had hurt her! Hurt the woman he loved. The woman who still loves him even today.

She was hurt by him moving away even though she pushed him.
'I will always be here for you. I will never leave you alone connie'
The words he used to tell her everyday! The promise he made to her but he didn't stick to his promise!  She wanted him to stay when she pushed him away. She wanted him to tell her that everything would have been okay one day! That their life together would be have been perfect but he didn't, he just left! Left her on her own!


Mia took the other letter addressed to her and sat down by Jacob as she opened it.


All my wishes were granted the day you were born. Your tiny face looked up at mine with a cry, a stretch and a yawn. Your tiny fingers and tiny toes, dark brown  hair and squishy round nose. A beautiful baby, skin so soft to touch. My Perfect daughter, who I love so much.

When I look at you, I see my past, present and future! I see my little girl dressing up, covering her face with make up. I see you running in the garden, picking flowers and bringing one to me. I see that beautiful smile on your face and knowing in the moment the pride of being a parent.

I know I made mistakes along the way and for those I am truly sorry. I am far from being the perfect parent, but I have always done the best I could.

The mistakes I made come from a lack of understanding, not a lack of love because from the moment you came into my life, I knew I would love you with all I am.

No matter how old you are, you will always be my baby girl. I am so proud of you and I will love you  with all I am for all eternity.

Please forgive me for all the pain I have caused you...

I love you


She was also crying once she read the letter. She had hurt her, hurt her mother, the woman who loved her dearly. She had hurt her when she called her a liar! When she told her 'she hated her'! When she left her all alone!

Jacob pulled Mia into a hug and they cried together.

At that instance, Jacob's phone rang. It was Zoe.

"Hello." He said as he picked up.


His phone dropped on the floor as more tears began to fall down his face...

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