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Connie woke up feeling loved and protected due to their sleeping arrangements. Her head still against Jacob chest, his arms around her petite frame and their legs all tangled together. She felt at peace listening to Jacob's heartbeat as his chest rose up and down.

"Morning beautiful." Jacob said as he woke up.

"Morning Jacob." She replied as she snuggled closer to him.

"Feeling better?" He asked.

"Always better whenever you are with me." She replied.

"I am sorry for leaving you Connie." He said. "Truly am sorry."

"It was my fault so you don't need to be sorry Jacob." She replied.

They stayed in silence San Jacob played with Connie's hair and her, tracing circles on Jacob's chest.

"Can I ask you something!" She asked breaking the silence between them.

"Sure." He simply replied.

"Why didn't you marry Cassandra?" She asked.

Jacob moved so he was on top of Connie but making sure he wasn't putting his while body weight on her petite frame.

"Because I love you Connie." He said. "Cassandra made me realise how much I am still in love with you. You mean everything to me. You are  my world Connie and I promise I will never leave you again."

"There will be times where we will argue and fight but that is normal between couples. But just remember that I will always love no matter Connie. I love you. I love you and I will forever love you." He added.

A tear dropped escaped Connie eyes. He gently wiped it away as their eyes locked. They stared at eschew lovingly for a while before he leaned in and kissed her soft lips. Connie instantly responded to the kiss with equal passion. The kiss soon got heated up. Their hands roaming one another's bodies. They were hungry! Hungry for each other's love!

Connie's hand went toward his top and swiftly removed it. She run her hands down his chest causing shivers down his spine.

He removed Connie's shorts and vest with ease before removing this trousers and boxers. He was still on top of her, both naked as they continued to kiss.

"I..want..you..Jacob." She said in between the kiss.

He broke the kiss and looked at her. "Are you sure sweet cheeks." He asked.

She nodded and he lined himself and entered her causing her to moan in pleasure. He began thrusting in and out of her increasing the speed as her moans got louder.

"Connie." He said and she nodded and then he came inside her triggering her orgasm too.

He collapsed beside her and pulled her closer to her. "I love you Connie."

"I love you too Jacob." She replied.

They stayed like that catching their breath when the door was knocked.

"Mum, can I come in?" Mia asked.

"Ermm...wait a second sweetheart." She replied and then quickly pulled the sheets to cover themselves. "You can come in."

Mia opened the door and walked inside. She smiled instantly as she saw Jacob next to her mother.

"Everything okay." Connie asked

"Yes mum." She replied.

"Did you need something?" Jacob asked.

"Nah." She simply replied. "I heard screams so I thought I should check if mum is alright but I think she is more than alright, right mum?" She asked making Connie blush with embarrassment.

"Well I am going back to sleep." Mia said. "I am really tired so keep it down if you know what I mean." She added and then winked at them before she left the room.

Jacob got on top of Connie and caressed her cheek. "Up for round two?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"With you, always." She replied whilst smiling at him..

Any Ideas on how I should continue it are welcomed!

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