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"Mia can you please come downstairs." Jacob shouted. He was sitting in the living room.

"Is everything alright dad?" She asked as she entered but stopped when she was a girl. "Ermm..dad?"

"Come here." He instructed and Mia went to stand by him. "This is Chloe, your sister."

"My sister?" She asked as she looked at Chloe. "How old is she?"

"She's 15 Mia." He replied.

Chloe stood up. She was quite tall and skinny. She has brown curly hair. "Hi Mia." She said nervously.

Mia looked at her and then enveloped her in a hug. "I have always wanted a sister." She said excitedly. "I am Mia and I am 18." She uttered whilst still hugging her.

"Well I am glad you are okay with it." He said sounding really relieved.

"Is she staying?" Mia asked and Jacob nodded. "Yes for a week." He replied.

Mia took Chloe upstairs to show her room. They were going to share whilst Chloe was around as Mia had a king size bed too and her room was pretty massive.

Jacob sat downstairs and watching The Mentalist when Connie walked in. "Hey." She said knowing she won't receive a reply. She walked into the kitchen and poured herself and Jacob a drink before going back and sitting next to him. "Here, thought you might need a drink." She said as she handed him the glass.

He reluctantly accepted it, said thanks and continued watching TV dismissing Connie completely yet again.

"Jacob can we talk please." She said as she looked at him.

"There's nothing to talk about." He replied and again, dismissed her.

Few minutes later, Mia walked down followed by Chloe. "Hey mum." She said. "How was your day?"

"Hey sweetheart." She replied. " Fun as usual." She said sarcastically.

Chloe walked in front of Connie and stood facing her. She had been precisely standing behind the sofa so Connie never notified her.
"Hello, I am Chloe." She greeted her.

"Ermm...Hi," she said. "Am Connie, Mia's mum." She looked at Mia and was utterly confused. "Mia, you didn't tell me you were bringing your friend around."

"That's because I haven't" she replied.

"And Chloe." She said as she took another sip of her drink.

"She's my sister." She said making Connie spit the drink.

"Your who?" She asked.

"My sister." She said again. "Jacob's her dad."

Connie looked at Jacob who just looked back at her not saying a word. He could see the pain in her eyes and it killed him but she deserved it. After putting him through hell, she deserves every pain she could ever experience.

"You have a child." She asked softly. "You never said."

"Oh Connie." He said. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me. And yes, she is my daughter, Chloe and she is 15."

He paused and looked at her. He could swear that Connie wanted to cry but was trying really hard to half back. "She's staying over for a week." He said. "Her mum is coming tomorrow. She wants to meet Mia so I will take both of them out."

Connie got up from the sofa and went to her room, where again, she cried herself to sleep...

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