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At 10:00 Louis woke me up. “Go get you a shower, it’ll make you feel better. Cause I know you feel like hell right now. I’ll go see what I can do about breakfast. Is all your stuff packed?” I nodded. “Okay, go take a shower, Love.” He kissed my forehead and went off down the hall to the boys’ room. I stood up and the room spun. My head is pounding. I took some Tylenol and then I turned on the shower, letting the room steam up before I stepped in the hot water felt good on my aching skin, and the steam seemed to clear my head a little bit. I reached for my soap and began to wash last night off of me. I determined that when I got out of the shower I was going to be in a good mood. My last few hours with Louis and the boys don’t need to be spent with me in an awful mood. I washed my hair and spent a few more minutes just standing in the water before I got out and dried off, putting on the sweat pants and tee shirt I pulled out last night. I retrieved my hair dryer and dried my hair into little curls, put on my foundation, eye liner, mascara, and a nude lipstick. When I finished I put everything up and double checked that I had everything I would need in my purse. I heard the lock on the door click again and I knew Louis was back. I walked and met him in the kitchen.

“Hey you look like you feel better.” He wrapped me in a hug.

“I do. I feel a lot better actually.”

“Are you hungry? I brought breakfast and coffee.”

“You’re so wonderful.” I kissed his cheek and we sat down at the small table and ate our biscuits and drank our coffee and he held my hand.

“What are you going to do when you get back to New York?”

I sipped my latte and shrugged. “I’m not sure. Probably go shopping. I’m an entire season behind on 5th Avenue shopping. And get my nails done. I really miss that. My nail girl probably thinks I’ve died or something. And I might do something different with my hair.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Like what?”

“I don’t know, colour part of it a random colour, or maybe just a streak. I’m really not sure. Whatever I feel like I guess.”

He smiled “I’m sure it’ll be great whatever it is.”

The rest of the boys came in a little while later and we hung out a little while later before Dad came in and said it was time to go. The guys helped me get mine and my Dad’s bags down into the black SUVs. They all shook his hand and gave me hugs and kisses and Louis, Dad, and I climbed in. Louis held my hand the whole way to the airport while we stared out the window looking at this beautiful Italian city. When we go to the airport we pulled up to our private jet and our bags were taken care of. Dad shook Louis’s hand again and then went up the plane steps. I leaned against the body of the black SUV and he leaned against me. We held each other for a long time without saying anything. We didn’t need to say anything, everything had already been said. He kissed me again, “Let me know when you land okay?”

“I will.”

He checked his watch, “It’s time.” He walked me to the airplane door, kissed my forehead and helped me up. “See ya later Love.” He winked at me. I smiled and nodded, and then the stairs were folded up and the door was closed. I found a comfortable seat and watched Louis walk back the SUV. I waved at him, and he waved back before the driver shut the door, and they drove away. I watched the black SUV become smaller and smaller as our flight attendant went through flight procedures. By the time Louis was turning back on to the main road, the car was just a little dot on an Italian back drop and the plane was beginning to move down the runway. Once we got in the air Dad and I talked about lunch and what we should have waiting for us at the airport in London. We decided on Asian and when we were about an hour away, Dad made the call. It takes 3 hours to get from Rome to London, and the last two we’ve spent in silence except talking about lunch. He’s been on his computer handling business, and I’ve been on my iPad, looking at what’s new in my favorite stores in the city so I know what to look for once I get there.

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