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AURTHOR'S NOTE: Hi, just wanted to point something out to everyone. Throughout the story I use italics and I just want everyone to know that if you see something in italics, it's either one of the follwing:

1. A dream

2. A thought

3. Something in a language other than English that I wrote in English so you can read it.

Much love, A.



Daniel took me to a great restaurant overlooking  some water. We talked through our meal about everything on the planet. Until he noticed I wasn't right. 

"Are you alright?"

I shook my head. "Not really."

He placed his hand on top of mine "Why don't you tell me about it?"

So I did. I told him about everything that happened between Louis and I and all the awful things he said. Daniel comforted me, told me all the right things. It was totally perfect until we tried to leave. 

"Why don't you come back to my place?" 

"Oh Daniel that's not necessary."

"I insist." he placed his hand on my arm. 

"No I really should be going." 

"No you really should come home with me." his hand gripped around my arm an he started to pull me towards his car. I tried to pull away but it was no use. Just as a scream came bubbling up in my throat, a large purse came and hit him on the head and he passed clean out. Madame Thoubeax came out of nowhere. 

"Are you alright?" 

"Yes I'm fine. Can we go before he wakes up?" 

And then we were gone. 

When we returned to her house she brought me some tea and I told her everything that happened with Louis, Daniel, everything. And I cried for a while until I cried myself into a long, long, sleep. When I woke up, I heard Madame Thoubeax shuffling around. I sat up and looked around, blinking. 

"Good morning." She said.

"Good morning. How long have I been asleep?" 

"About a day." I groaned. My brain wasn't operating in English anymore. I was too tired and my head hurt too much to think in more than one language. "Are you hungry?" she said. 

I shook my head. "Not really." 

She took a seat next to me and took my hand. "What happened to that nice boy you brought here a few days ago? Why were you out with that scum?"

I explained the whole story to her, tears leaking down my face the entire time.

"It sounds like you just need a little time to calm down and get your act together before you can go and piece him back together."

"I feel so bad for missing their show. And pour Niall...he looked like it was absolutely breaking his heart for me to go. In fact, besides Louis, it's probably affecting him the most." 

"It will all be okay dear. Just wait. In time, everything that is supposed to happen, will happen. And when you feel like you're ready you will go back and make it right. Until then, you may stay here."

"Thank you." Tears were still coming down my face. I knew she was right, but there was a gaping hole in my heart big enough for 5 wonderful boys. I tried not to think about Louis and how torn up he was, or Niall and how much he probably missed me. Or Harry, probably suffering because Louis was, or Zayn just trying to get away from it all, and Liam trying to keep everyone together. 

I picked up my phone and dialed my Dad. It rang once and he picked up.

"James speaking."


"Victoria! Hey sweetie where are you? Liam told me what happened. Are you still with that Daniel boy?" 

"No Dad, I'm not." And then I launched into the whole story about Daniel and Madame Thoubeax coming to my rescue and she told me I could stay here until I was ready to come back. 

"Well I'm glad you're safe honey. How are you emotionally?"

"Torn up. Louis's words are still ringing in my head, the guilt of missing their show is weighing heavily on me. Plus I know Louis is upset and poor Niall is probably upset cause he misses me and Harry is probably with Louis which means he's feeling the pain too and Liam is just trying to keep them all together and as much as that kills me I'm just not ready to come back yet..."

"I know kiddo. I know how you operate. You come home when you're ready okay? It's no big deal." 

"Thanks." It was quiet for a while. "How are they?" I asked.

He sighed. "Well, they all miss you. I think they took a real big liking to you and starting to think of you as their little sister. Niall has been real sad, asking me if I've heard anything or when I think you'll be back. Zayn is trying to comfort Niall and take his mind off things. I haven't seen Louis since the night you left. Harry was with him the first day and the Louis kicked him out. Louis won't eat hardly anything, he never gets out of bed. He just sits there all day and cries. And like you said, Liam is just trying to hold everyone together. But don't worry about them Baby, you do what you need to do okay?"

"Okay Dad."

"Now I gotta run, keep me posted and stay safe okay?"

"Okay Daddy."

"I love you Kiddo."

"I love you too Dad."

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