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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello everyone (: This is my first fanfic, I usually just to fiction but I decided to take a crack at this. Also, this is a multiprespective story. The chapters are labeled at the top of whose prespective they are currently in. Comments are appreciated but not required. Let me know what you think because I'd love to hear it. Thanks (:



I tried to hide my excitement and disappointment when Dad told me that we would be touring with One Direction this summer. I was excited because who wouldn't be? But I was also disappointed because this is not my first time to the rodeo and pretty much every single band we're toured with turned out to be ass hoes and I didn't even want to imagine those sweet boys that way. All I could do was hope for the best I suppose. After he told me the news he left me to pack my suitcases and that's where the journey began I guess, it was always a miracle that I could fit my closet in just 4 suitcases.

The next day we were off to the NYC airport, dad on the phone the entire time and me listening to my iPod. Dad runs a tour company that helps bands get from point A to point B and becomes their stage crew for the whole tour. Since he owns it, he tags along to make sure everything runs smoothly and I tag along because I have to. When we walked onto the plane Austin was already there.

"Hey you. Are you ready to learn?"  I groaned. "I'll take that as a yes."

Austin is my personal teacher. He is qualified to teach everything that I have to learn to earn a high school diploma. We spend most of the plane, train, and bus rides studying and preparing for my weekly test from the IB program. The next several hours were spent on nonstop studying until we landed. Then we parted ways and Dad and I headed to the hotel to get ready before we met the boys.

           I thanked the baggage boy and tipped him in American money because I haven’t changed my currency yet and then I went searching for a good outfit. I pulled out some black skinny jeans and yanked them on and pulled a dark red top on with sparkles on the front. I pulled out some black Jimmy Choo’s and went to do my hair and put my make up on. The smoky black eye shadow made my blue eyes stand out even more against my light blonde hair which fell in soft curls down to my waist. I sprayed some Ed Hardy on before slipping into my heels and walking out into the lobby to meet my dad and our waiting taxi. We passed all kinds of popular tourist attractions before we pulled up to the studio the boys were working in. I fought back nerves and focused on not tripping on the very uneven tile. We went up a few floors and the elevator door opened up into a lounge room where all five of them and their manager were sitting on the couch laughing. Their manager looked up and immediately got up and came to shake my father’s hand.

“James, it’s always a pleasure. This must be your lovely daughter, Victoria.”

He kissed the top of my hand. I smiled at him and out the corner of my eye I saw five pairs of eyes glued to me. I suppressed my urge to giggle at their gawking.

“Boys come over here and meet James and his daughter.”

They all shook Dad’s handed kissed mine.

“Hello,” Liam said, “I’m Liam, and these are Zayn, Niall, Louis, and-”

"Harry. But you can call me Haz." He winked at me.

They rolled their eyes at him and chimed in their hellos. “It’s a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Victoria.” I smiled

“Why don’t you come sit down with us and we will get to know each other since you will be with us for the next few months.” Liam suggested

“That sounds good.” We all walked back to the longue chairs while dad and Ryan talked business.

“Where are you from?” Zayn asked.

“New York City.”

“That’s a long flight. Can we get you anything to eat or drink?” Harry offered. He was flirting so hard, but that’s just Harry I guess.

“No thank you, Harry. I’m fine right now.” I smiled at him and it seemed to stun him a little bit.

“Where all have you been?” I jumped a little at the sound of Niall’s Irish accent. It’s so different from all the others you can’t help but notice it.

“I’ve been to every state in American, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Italy, France, England, and Ireland.”

“Oh yeah? How did you like Ireland?”

“Oh it’s beautiful. Dublin is the best.” Niall grinned from ear to ear and looked to the others “I like her.” And they all laughed

“But the important question is what football team to you support?” Louis said.

My breath catch when I looked into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Do you mean American football or soccer?" I struggled to keep my cool.


“Manchester United, of course.”

“That’s what I’m talking about!”

We talked for what the next few hours until my stomach growled so loud that they all hushed and looked at it, causing me to blush.

“Come on, let’s go get something to eat.” Liam laughed

“All I have is American money.” I said.

“Oh don’t worry about that, Love. We’ve got you.” Harry said, winking.

“Thank you.” I smiled at them all.

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