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Walking around Paris is so incredibly liberating. My heels clicked on the pavement as cars and people went by. I  walked into a building and rode the elevator to the top floor, my favorite French café. I ordered a snack and some coffee and took a corner booth, pulling out my sketchbook and pencil. I was lost deep in the pencil marks of the Parisian skyline when a smooth, velvet, deep voice accompanied by an English accent caught my attention. 

"That's beautiful." the stranger said, looking down at my paper. I looked up to see dark blue eyes, a defined jawline, and dark hair that sat atop a muscular build. 

"Thank you." I said. I must have looked like a deer in head lights. 

"May I sit here with you?" 

"Of course you may." I said. He slid in and I started to put my things away and he stopped me.

"No please, keep drawing. Don't let me interrupt you." 

So I kept going. He sat and watched me, stroke by stroke until I was finished. He reached for the final product.

"May I?" he said.

"Of course." 

He studied it for a moment. "This is beautiful." 

"Thank you."

He smiled and gave it back. "Do you live here in Paris?" 

"Oh no I'm only visiting."

"How long are you here for?"

"About six more days I believe. I could probably stay longer if I wished to though."

"Do you wish to?"

"I don't know yet." He smiled amused at what I said and I smiled back. 

"What's your name?" 

"Victoria. What's your name?"


"It's a pleasure to meet you Daniel."

"Oh trust me, the pleasure is all mine." he smiled at me and there was something in his eyes that drew me to him. I could tell he was one of those bad boy types. Rough around the edges and hard headed, but usually soft in the middle. We talked for hours and found out we actually have a lot in common. About two hours before show time he asked me on a date. 

"Can I take you out tonight?"

"Oh I'm sorry Daniel I have plans. Maybe tomorrow though. Here, let's swap numbers." 

So we did, and he walked me down to get a cab. 

"I hope to see you again soon, Victoria." 

The whole cab ride all I could think about was his alluring eyes. 

As soon as I walked in the door I got hit with questions. 

"Where have you been?" Liam said.

"You've been gone for hours." Niall whined.

"I bet she met a guy!" Zayn said. 

"She has! She smells like cologne!" Harry sniffed. 

They followed me into my room, hitting me with questions as I changed into a dress and did my night time make up. By the time I was back in heels the questions where still coming. 

"What's he like?" 

"He's about 6 foot, dark hair, dark blue eyes, muscular. His name is Daniel." 

"Is that where you've been all this time then?" I turned around to see Louis standing in his door way.  "You left this morning, unannounced, haven't talked to any of us all day because you were with some bloke? Too busy snogging to answer your phone? Or was he just that deep?" 

The venom in his words burned me like acid. His eyes were set ablaze with anger. The more he talked the more furious I became. I blinked back tears.

"You asshole! How dare you think you can talk to me like that? Who the hell do you think you are?" 

"Guys take it easy." Niall murmured. 

"Was that it then? You too busy snogging to answer the phone? He must have been one hell of a kisser." 

By now I was steaming. "If you must know we were just talking. About America and life and hopes and dreams and what I want to do with my life. Things that you have never asked me and probably never even thought about." I could see his anger subsiding by mine was only growing. "We were not snogging, kissing, hugging or even holding hands." I opened my sketch pad and threw it at him, it hit him square in the chest. "And by the way, I drew that for you. That's what got his attention. I hope you like it but if you don't just tell me because Daniel sure as hell likes it." I threw my words at him and he flinched as if he felt the impact of every single one. It was quiet for a few moments. Before I had time to think, I reached for my phone and dialed a number, putting on my best voice. 

"Hello Daniel? It's Victoria." I never took my eyes off Louis. "Yes remember how I said I couldn't go out tonight because I had plans? Well those plans have just been canceled." Louis's expression of anger was now completely faded into shock and sadness, pure sadness. But it didn't phase me one bit. "Oh yeah I know the place. Great, I'll be there in an hour." I grabbed my purse and headed for the door. I turned to Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Niall, "Have a good show." then I turned to Louis. Tears were welling up in his eyes. Somewhere in the back of my mind that pulled on my heart. But instead I said "With any luck maybe I'll sleep with him tonight since that's apparently the kind of person I am." And then I walked out of the door, slamming it behind me. My heels clicked fiercely in the lobby as I approached the front desk, and asked for a cab. It was there in 5 minutes, and just like that I was gone, not knowing when I'd be back. 

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