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I immediately noticed the scent of her soap on her skin, but stronger, like she had put perfume on. I laughed to myself because I did the same thing. We laid down and she got close to me. She sniffed a few times and then inhaled deeply.

"Mmmm you smell good." She said, kissing all over my neck. 

"So do you." She kept kissing on my neck until she found my soft spot and bite down gently. I moaned quietly. "Please remember I have an award show tomorrow." I groaned.

She kissed down my collar bone, her hands sliding under my shirt. I sat up and she pulled my shirt over my head. There she was , straddling my legs, arms around my neck, lips finding their way back to mine. My arms snaked around her waist and held her as close to me as I could, our bare stomachs touching. I ran my fingertips lightly over her spine and she trembled slightly when I ran over the small of her back. I moved my hands to her shoulder blades, kissing down her jaw to her soft spot on her neck, kissing and biting gently. She moaned softly, I continued to kiss down her body, skipping over her sport bra. She leaned farther back the farther down I kissed until her back was flat on my legs and I placed my last kiss just above the waistband of her sweat pants, and then I pulled her back up to me, eyes closed, foreheads touching. I kissed her nose and she giggled. The sound made me smile. I laid her down gently next to me and we got under the covers. She laid her head on my chest, tangling her legs with mine, and I wrapped my arms around her just tight enough. It was quiet for a while. So long in fact, that I thought she had fallen asleep. 


"Yes Love?"

"Can I ask you something?"


"Be honest with me okay?"

"Of course baby. What is it?" she was quiet for a while and I was starting to get worried. "Victoria what is it? You can tell me." I kissed her forehead.

"Have you ever...are you...are you a virgin?" 

Whoa. That came out of no where. Truth is, I'm not. But what of she would leave me if I wasn't? It doesn't matter, I told her I'd be honest. "No, I'm not." 

"Who'd you give it to?"


"Is she the only girl you've slept with?"

"Yes. We were each other's firsts." 

"Okay." She said. And then it was quiet. 


"Yes Louis?"

"Are you a virgin?" 

After a small silence she said, "Yes." 

I felt her cheeks become warm and I knew she was blushing. She wasn't embarrassed was she? So what if she's 18 and a virgin? I could see where she was going with this. "Victoria, I want you to know that sex is a very special thing to me. It's something I value, not something I waste. It's something to be cherished, and even better when you wait for it. I won't push you to do anything you're not ready for, ever. When you're ready, we'll go from there. But until then, don't think it bothers me okay? I'm perfectly happy just kissing and holding you." I tilted her head up so she was looking me in the eyes. "Okay?" she nodded. The deep blue seas in her eyes pulled me in. They had so much depth, just like she did. I could tell she believed me. I kissed her softly and passionately until she melted against me. When we broke, she settled down and snuggled into me, and I sang to her until she fell asleep. Long after she fell asleep I played with her golden hair, thinking about her and how strongly I feel about her. It's way to soon to say I love her, and ever since she told me she thinks she loves me, she's steered away from the subject. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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