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           When we arrived back at the hotel, the talk started.

“Would you look at that.” Harry said.

“She is beautiful.” Niall said.

“And she’s smart.” Zayn sighed.

“And really funny.’ Liam said.

They all collapsed on the beds and the couches. It’s true, she is absolutely stunning. When that elevator door opened and she stepped out our conversation fell to the floor. Her eyes look like sapphires and her smile could take your breath away. But beyond that, she was completely down to earth, sweet, funny, and really smart. Which is great but being that Eleanor and I just broke up a few weeks ago, I’m not ready for another relationship-which is assuming that she would even like me. So I decided to just be friends with this girl, and then everything would be good.

Liam stepped out to call Danielle while Niall, Zayn, Harry, and I took turns sharing our showers before we crashed.

           Somewhere around three in the morning I woke up to Niall cussing and throwing what sounded like a notebook. I rolled out of bed while the others were sound asleep. Niall had his head down on the table, his guitar on the floor and his notebook thrown across the room. I picked it up and pulled up a chair.

“What’s going on mate? Why are you up so late?”

“Well I had a dream, and when I woke up from it I had this great idea for a song so I got up and wrote it down but then I got stuck right in the middle and I can’t get the bloody song to work.”

“No worries mate, I’ll help you through it. But first, let’s go get some coffee and some food. That will make you feel better.” 

"Now that you mention it, I am hungry.." 

"You're always hungry Nialler."I patted his back and went to get my shoes.

Niall and I walked down the street of London to the only 24 hour Starbucks in the whole city and ordered coffee and some (most of the) pastries. Then we started to walk back to the room, Niall munching on a brownie.

"What'd you think about Victoria?" he asked.

"I think she's a really nice girl. I think we're all going to get along real well. She also looks like she could be your twin." I chuckled.

"I was thinking the same thing!" She really did. She had the same golden blonde hair, same deep, boundless, blue eyes, even the same skin complexion. They're even the same age. We laughed and walked down the quiet streets of London. "I suppose you aren't planning on going after her eh? Cause if you are you better tell Hazza to step off." 

I laughed, thinking about how he was shamelessly flirting with Victoria. "I don't know mate." I said, more seriously. "I just don't think I'm ready yet you know?"

He put his arm around me "Yeah I know what you mean." 

Niall is great. All the guys feel like brothers to me but I think Niall appreciates the more sensitive side of things. Niall doesn't care if you cry or if you just need a hug because you're feeling a little weak in the heart. He's always there when I need him and I try to do the same for him. He's just got such a big heart, any girl would be lucky to have him as her boyfriend.

"You know Lou, you don't always have to be the strong one. It's alright to let things out." 

"I know it mate. But you know that's not always so easy for me."

And then we walked in silence back to the hotel, excluding the sounds of him munching of course. That's another great thing about Niall; he doesn't feel the need to fill every moment with words. He's comfortable with silence, and that's a hard thing to find in a person and a friend.

We arrived back at the hotel at 4 in the morning and spread out in the living room with Niall's guitar. He sang what he had and we worked through it from there. By about 5:30 we finished up and Niall went to bed. I couldn't sleep so I went walking. I ended up in walking by the gym and who did I see?  The blue eyed blonde beauty running on a treadmill. She had her iPod in, mouthing along to the words of whatever song she was listening to. She looked cute with her hair throw up in a pony tail, no makeup, a tee shirt and some yoga pants. I just sat there and watched her for a minute, taking in how absolutely graceful she was in her stride and how even her breathing was. She slowly came from a run to a walk and then to a stop. She sipped some water and wiped her forehead with a towel. I silently kicked myself for being such a creeper and I walked into the room.

"Good morning, Victoria."

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