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After 2 hours of signing autographs and taking pictures, we were starving (especially Niall) and our hands were cramping. We ordered a huge amount of take out and were having it delivered to the hotel. Liam told me to go find Victoria so we could all go back together. When I went to her dressing room I knocked, but no one answered. I knocked again, no answer. I opened the door just a bit a poked my head in. I saw her asleep on the couch and I really had to take her all in. Even when she was asleep she was still as beautiful as ever. I sat on the edge of the couch and swept a piece of hair out of her face. 

"Victoria? Wake up, Love." I rubbed her arm gently with my thumb until her eyes fluttered open. She looked up at me, her eyes glazed with sleep. I was taken aback at how crystal blue they were. "Come on, wake up Sleeping Beauty." I laughed inside at the irony because she really does look a lot like Sleeping Beauty. She groaned. "I came to tell you that we ordered take out at the hotel and you're welcome to join us." 

"Food. Yay." But she didn't move. 

"Climb on my back." I said. She stood up on the couch long enough to latch on, and then she was asleep again. I grabbed her purse and carried her out to the back door where the van was waiting for us. 

When we got back to the hotel she was sort of awake. I offered her my arm again and she slipped hers through it. "You can lean on me until you're awake enough to walk."

 I smiled at her, and she smiled back, a very sleepy, incredibly adorable smile. She continued to have her arm looped in mine until we got up to the room and ate. James stopped by to congratulate us on the show and commend his daughter for saving Harry's voice. And then he left as quickly as he had come and we finished our meal, discussing the show and some encounters we had with the fans. When Victoria started to fall asleep on my shoulder again everyone wished her goodnight and I walked her back to her room. I waited on her bed while she changed clothes in the bathroom. She opened the door and I watched her take off her makeup and brush her teeth. She got under the sheets and asked me to stay for a while, so I did. How could i not stay with this beautiful girl? She laid next to me, her head on my chest and my arm around her. 

"I know I just met you and all but I feel like I've known you forever." she said quietly.

"I know what you mean." I said. And I did. I felt like I could tell her anything and she wouldn't judge me for it. Since we met I've been getting good vibes from her and I'm usually a pretty good judge of character.

"Louis will you do me a favor?" she looked up at me.

Of course I would. She could've asked me to eat a glass bottle and I would've done it in a heartbeat. "Sure, Love. What is it?" 

"Will you sing to me?"

"Absolutely. What would you like me to sing?"

"More Than This." 

"Of course. You focus on sleeping and I'll sing."

She closed her eyes and I started to sing softly. By the time I was finished, she was deeply asleep. I ran my fingers through her hair and used the time to think. For someone who didn't want to be involved in a relationship right now I sure wasn't acting  like it. She just made me feel so much better. She made me forget about how much it hurt when Eleanor left. She made me happy again. And I had to admit I was really starting to like her. But wouldn't that make her my rebound? No. She deserves much more than to be someone's rebound. So I went back to my original plan to be her friend, maybe even her best friend. But I would not make her someone's rebound. Somewhere between playing with her hair and coming to this conclusion I realized I should probably go back to my room. I looked down at her, so sweet and so comfortable. There was no way I could move without waking her up, so I decided to stay with her, and then I fell asleep.

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