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I paced back and forth through the living room while the guys played some video game, wondering why Victoria hasn't called me yet. She should've landed almost an hour ago. 

"Mate, I'm sure she just got hung up. She'll call. And when she calls she'll have a perfectly good reason why she didn't call on time." Haz patted my shoulder. 

"I'm just a little worried something may have happened to her. She should've landed almost an hour ago."

"She did." Liam said. "I just looked up her flight number on JFK's website, and it says she landed on time. But all flights after hers were either canceled or re-routed." 


"I'm not sure. Give me a second." He typed away and his keyboard. 

"Louis." Zayn held my phone up, showing her smiling face on the screen. "She's calling." 

I nearly snatched it from him. "Victoria?"

"Hey baby," I couldn't help but smile. "I'm sorry I didn't call you earlier. We landed on time but it was raining when we got here, I mean absolute pouring, and I took a while to get home because of all the rain." 

"Oh I see." They all looked at me expectantly. "Pouring rain." I mouthed. They nodded and went back to their game. I walked to my room and stood by the window. "That's okay I was just getting worried about you." 

"I know, I should've texted you or something but my God, Lou, you wouldn't believe this rain. There's flood warnings out for most of the streets. We somehow managed to stay pretty dry though."

"That's good. How was your flight?"

"Long, goodness is was long. Other than that it was good. More on the quiet side than I typically like but you know how that goes."

"Did you two talk at all?"

"Yeah, we talked at lunch and dinner, and made plans to go shopping tomorrow. The last hour of the plane ride we played poker." She laughed and my heart ached at the sound.

"Well that's good, good progress. Hopefully the rain will let up so you can go shopping. Do you actually have room in your closet for more clothes though?"

"Well you see, before a big season shopping trip I go through my closet and pull out things that I either don't wear that often or don't want anymore, and I take them to a homeless shelter a few blocks from here and put them in their closet. The nice things like skirts and blouses and blazer they keep to help the ladies get jobs. The rest are for teenagers to have to wear. And then I buy more to replace what I gave away, and next season repeat."

"That's a really good idea Victoria."

"Thank you. Dad does it with his suits as well." 

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