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"Okay Harry. I've filled up some water bottles with tea just for you so we can keep this going." I handed him a bottle and he drank some. "Now talk to me. Just start at a whisper and get a little louder until you're at normal volume."

I crossed my fingers hoping this had worked. 

"I feel much better than I did this morning, and that is some damn good tea." he said, following my instructions. 

I suppressed my urge to squeal."Does your throat hurt anymore?"

"No not at all. It feels really good actually." 

"Okay now sing something, just a normal volume." 

He went through several choruses and we went through more and more exercises until I said "Haz, I think you're ready. Just keep your throat moist and I think you'll be just fine." I smiled at him.

"Thanks a lot Victoria. I can't even tell you how greatful I am." He hugged me real tight and picked me up and spun me. 

"You're welcome Harry. Now go out there and do your show! There's a million girls out there dying to see you." I smiled and he kissed my cheek before walking out to join the guys.

I sighed, relieved that he could speak again. His voice didn't sound the least bit raspy or sore. It sound like regular Harry. I heard somebody yelling "Five minutes" to anyone that would listen. I looked in the mirror, and then walked out to sit in a chair next to the curtain, while my dad ran around back stage checking everything. The boys were in a huddle whispering. From what I could gather, Harry hadn't told them he could speak yet. They stood by me, waiting for their introduction. 

Niall was doing several small jumps in place, while Zayn tapped at his hair, Liam sang quietly to himself, Louis was nervously pulling at his clothes, and Harry tapped his foot to some beat he knew.

"All of you will be great. I have the upmost confidence in you."

They all thanked me. And when the announcer said "May I present, One Direction" the crowd went crazy, and they started to walk out on stage. Louis looked nervously in my direction and I gave him a reassuring smile. Liam said hello to everyone and thanked them for coming out and then they dived right into "One Thing." When it came close to Harry's turn, they all looked nervously at each other, except Harry. Harry came in right on time, and sang his part perfectly. And from the point on, the boys relaxed and had themselves a really good time. After they went through their entire set list, Harry stepped up to the mic. 

"I have to tell you guys something." The arena slowly died down. "This morning when I woke up, I couldn't speak, I couldn't sing, nothing. But I was fortunate enough to have this lovely girl on tour with us. She nursed my voice all day, and thanks to her, I was able to sing for you guys tonight and perform with the guys." And then he looked straight at me, "Victoria, will you come out here please?" I slid off my chair and walked out on stage, paying careful attention to the random chords. I stood next to him and looked out at the hundreds of thousands of people starring at me. "Would you be so kind as to give her a round of applause for making this possible tonight?" And they burst into claps and roars and whistles. I smiled and bowed and then Niall thanked them again for coming out and said goodbye to them all, we bowed, and then we walked off the stage together. As soon as we passed the curtain they all hugged me at once, squeezing me until I thought I might pass out. 

"That was brilliant Victoria, absolutely brilliant!" Liam said. 

"Thank you so much Victoria." Niall said. 

"That was really great." Louis said

"Thank you Victoria." Harry said. 

Zayn just looked at me, an everyone else looked at him. "Victoria, I will be honest and tell you I doubted this would work and I didn't trust you. But I do now, and I hope you can forgive me for before. Also, you have a beautiful voice."

"Yes she does." Louis said.

"Brilliant, absolutely brilliant." Liam said again.

"You're all welcome. And yes Zayn of course I can forgive you."

I smiled at them all and they left to go sign autographs and I went back to my dressing room. I didn't realize how tired I was until I laid down on the couch. I relayed tonight's events in my head, and before I knew it I was asleep. 

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