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"Good morning, Victoria." The hair on the back of my neck stood up a little when a very smooth, soft, English accent greeted me. I turned around to see Louis standing by the door, smiling.

"Good morning, Louis. What are you doing up so early?" I grabbed my water bottle and started to walk to the room with him.

"Well, Niall woke me up about 3 playing his guitar. He was trying to write a song and he was getting a bit of writers block. How long have you been running?"

"I'm not really sure. However long 3 miles ago was." 

His eyes widened. "You just ran 3 miles? That's brilliant. I couldn't do that. I'm not even sure Liam could do that and he used to run cross country back in school."

I laughed "It's not so hard once you work up to it."

He shook his head. "If you say so, Love."

We reached my door and I pulled out my key "You're welcome to come in if you want but I must take a shower." my stomach growled again and he raised his eyebrows at it.

"Looks like you must eat too." He laughed, "why don't you take your shower and I'll go get dressed and we can meet back here in about half an hour and we'll go get some breakfast, my treat." How could I say no to his beautiful, smiling face?

"Sure, that sounds great. I'll see you right here in half an hour." I smiled back.

I told be self to calm down while I turned on the water and stripped down, letting the water run for a few minutes over my sore shoulder. I began to wash my hair, thinking about what to wear. I walked around in my bra and underwear, towel drying my hair as I pulled on a pair of jeans and and off the shoulder top. I brushed my teeth and let my hair fall as it may and dusted on some powder and a little mascara and eyeliner before slipping my feet in some flats and walking out my door. As soon as I opened my door I jumped. Louis had his hand up, just about to knock on the door. 

"Did I frighten you?" he looked down at me and our eyes locked for a bit. God his eyes are beautiful. I could get lost in them forever.

"A little bit. But I'm okay." I smiled, through the haze of my thoughts.

"Shall we?" He offered me his arm which I took, resting my hand in the crook of his elbow.

"Indeed we shall."

I'm not sure what got me more, the fact that he was so beautiful, or that he was Louis Tomlinson. Maybe it was both. After awhile the whole fangirling thing wore off and it was just me enjoying his company as a person.

We walked along the streets of London, arm in arm. It was quiet, since most people were still sleeping. We walked to a little Ma and Pop diner and sat in a booth across from each other. 

"Order whatever you want Victoria." he said, with another smile. I literally thought my heart stopped beating. 

I ordered some orange juice, a waffle and an omelet while Louis ordered milk, an English muffin, pancakes, and some sausage.

"So tell me about yourself, Victoria."

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