t r e c e ; day three✿

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(A/N//yes i skipped day two)

lacey's pov✿

Thank you, because you make me forget my sorrow. 

Thank you, because I can't stop laughing when you're around. 

Thank you for the dose of happiness you always give me.

through the walk jack kept on telling me some of his embarrassing moments when he was a kid and his first kiss. I couldn't stop laughing to the point where i'd piss my pants anytime soon. this is one of the best days i have ever had in my life. He knows how to make me smile. 

"damn,i love it when you laugh," he chuckled. 

"everything is probably getting worried about us,we should get back," I said,looking down at my watch. 

"we're leaving under one condition," he smirked.

"which is?" i raised my eyebrow.

"A kiss from you." 

"Come on jack,we should leave right now," i shrugged.

"please?" he gave me that puppy look that no one can deny. 

I gave him a peck on his cheeks"can we leave now?"

"alright,babygirl," he smiled,interlocking his hands with mine and walking away.


Just as I came back,Ethan started telling me how he was so worried about me and blah blah blah.

"It's not her fault,It's mine," Jack said,"I'm the one who should be blamed,not her."

I didn't want Jack to defend me,I can handle my own problems with Ethan. 

"Lace,baby,if you want to go anywhere please just tell me,okay?" Ethan said,calming down a bit.

I nodded,going back to my tent. Ethan definitely ruined my day but It's okay. I'm used to it. Why can't a day pass without getting ruined? 

I let out a sigh,getting my phone out of my pocket. I went through all the pictures Jack and I took today and smiled. I put one of them as my screen locker and closed the phone. 

Jack walked in my tent,"we're all going to swim,do you want to come?" 

I nodded,"sure,i'll be there in a few minutes."

he left and I opened my luggage,taking out my swimsuit. I quickly wore it and walked out to them. 


jack's pov✿

As soon as lacey came out,I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She was seriously so hot. 

"Holy moly,you're hot," Sammy mumbled. 

A pang of jealousy hit me. I bit the inside of my cheeks and gave Sammy a cold stare. 

she stood next to me,putting her arms around my neck"let's jump together?" 

I nodded taking her hands and we both yelled "1,2,3" and jumped into the water. 

"we're not going to stay more than ten minutes." the tone of her voice was kind of in a serious way. 

"YOU'RE," I corrected her. 

"Jack,for god's sake you're going to get sick," she rolled her eyes.

"we're going to talk about this later,okay?" I said,giving her a kiss on her cheeks. 

"give me a piggy back ride." she wasn't even heavy so I didn't say no. 

I put her on my back,holding her legs so she won't fall. She was so heavy. 


we stayed in the water for exactly fifteen minutes and lacey left. She kept on begging me to get out too but I didn't. Unless she's going to kiss me? 

"Jack,you're going to get sick,are you insane?" she semi-yelled. 

"babe please,just 5 more minutes?"

she shrugged and went back to her tent. I got out of the water and followed her,holding her wrist,"wait."

she faced me,raising her eyebrow"what?" 

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay,get yourself a towel before you get sick," she said and walked away.


lacey's pov✿

after we all got dressed,Ethan and Sammy were cooking food whilst Jack and I were sitting talking about random things. Ethan went to a camping trip with his friends twice so he knows everything you need to know. 

these past two days Jack and I became so close. Thankfully we didn't fight or ignore each other. I'm honestly so thankful to have someone like him in my life. I'm thankful to have people like Sammy,Trevor,Johnson,Ethan and mom in my life,too. And of course,my one and only inspiration,dad. I seriously miss him so much and a part of me is missing right now but definitely he's in a better place now. 


do you guys like this book so far? i'd like to thank you all for voting and commenting on my story. it means a lot to me. you guys are the best. thank you again. 

i'd also like to thank mendessauce & hotlinedallas  for being such a great person. i love you. 

and,sorry if there's any grammatical mistakes or spelling mistakes,I usually don't check the chapter before publishing it. 

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