e p i l o g u e

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3am drive was the best solution I've came up with to clear my mind off. yesterday, i checked my phone for literally one million times to make sure that jack isn't in my contacts. I didn't find him nor any of the people i "dreamed" about just like my mom said.

She and ethan treated me like a psychotic that suddenly woke up and found herself knowing people that doesn't even exist or//doesn't know I exist.

it was quite hard for me to believe any of the things my mom tried to convince me about. I also googled jack's name and surprisingly I didn't find him. It wasn't as shocking as what my mom has told me.

my thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on my car's window.

I rolled it down and looked at the person's face that wasn't even clear to me because he was wearing a huge beanie which hid half of his face.
he put his cap up and spoke,"can you please move away? your car is blocking my way."

"jack," i blurted out and tensed up as i realized how strange that sounded. 

he raised his eyebrow and looked at me strangely-I've been getting this look since yesterday- "how did you know my name?"

"um-uh,b-because most of t-the c-cute guys are named j-jack," I stuttered,biting my lips nervously.

"yeah,sure," he smirked and grabbed my phone from my hand,opening an application,which is probably my contacts and wrote down something.

"and,you are?" he questioned as he tossed my phone back to me,"lacey?"

"how did you know my name?" i asked.

"well,most of the cute girls are named lacey," he mocked me in a girly tone that didn't even sound like me.

I rolled my eyes,"seriously."

he laughed,"it's written in your contacts,silly."


"Alright,i should go. text me when you get back so i can save your number."

I nodded and rolled up the window. he then waved at me,smiling widely.

I waved back and started off my car.

hopefully,this time isn't a dream.
The enndddddd. Thank you so much guys for reading and commenting on this horribly-written book. Ily all so much💖.
I wrote this at 2;30 am so I'm sorry if there's any spelling or grammar mistakes.

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