Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.

Something's chasing me, or someone. I'm not sure, but I'm too scared to look back. I can hear panting, so it might be an animal, but I'm sure those guards are chasing me.

My legs are burning. It feels like pins and needles. I don't know how long I've been running, maybe a good half hour and I still haven't lost them.

The amulet I'm holding is cold in my hands. I decide to put it in my pocket, it might be safer there.

Suddenly everything goes black. I can't hear the footsteps anymore.

Wait! What's that? I can't move. I can hear footsteps. Wait, they're too heavy to be a person. They have to be an animal, but what animals footsteps are that heavy?

I slowly try to open my eyes. Just then, I see something green. Green eyes. They're staring at me.

I try moving, but every bone in my body feels heavy.

Everything goes black again.

• • •

I open my eyes again. I'm no longer in the forest where I was running. Where I fell.

I quickly reach for my pocket. Oh good, the amulet is still there.

What was that last night? It was too big to be any normal animal. It had to be something bigger. It looked like a cat, but a large one at that.

I finally take in my surroundings. The air smells like autumn, and it looks like I'm in a cabin. When I look outside I can see the forest. The bed I'm in has a nice quilt with autumn leaves on them and patterns.

I hear a sound outside of my door and quickly jump to my feet. I reach down for my knife that was on my belt, but realize it's gone. I take a deep breath and look around the corner.

Standing in the kitchen was a boy. He had dark hair, but his eyes are a bright emerald. His body is well built and he looks about my age. Maybe older. He looked like he was maybe over six feet tall. When he moved, it was quick but gracefully.

I slowly walk around the corner and head for the door while he's not looking.

"The door's locked. Don't bother." He said that quick. His voice wasn't like any other boy I've heard. The ones at my school aren't near as smooth as this.

"Who are you? Why am I here? How did I get here?"

"I found you in the forest. You were unconscious so I brought you here. There were quite a few people behind you though. Looks like you were in for something"

"Who are you?"

"My names Tim. You should be lucky I got there when I did, or you probably wouldn't have made it out alive. Sit down. Not like you can go anywhere."

My legs started to move but I stopped. Something about her was unnerving. I wanted to listen to what he said to me, do everything he told me to, but something about him. I stayed put for a couple minutes and slowly made my way to the table in the centre of the room.

"Why won't you let me go?" I tried to say it as stern as I could.

"There's no reason to be afraid of me. I just saved your ass from getting arrested. I won't let you go because you have something important."

"What's so important?"

"The amulet in your right pocket. You stole that from the people you were running from."

"How do you know I have an amulet?"

"It fell out of your pocket when I picked you up. Now are you don't with questions? Cause you sure do ask a lot."

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