Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

It's been about a week. We decided that we would stay with my grandfather for a couple days. He wouldn't allow Tim is my room at all. I think he was a little worried about him being a shapeshifter and what not. I told him he doesn't have to worry.

After that week, my grandfather took us to the airport. It was 3 am. We decided to get a morning flight knowing that it might not be that busy. We said good bye and Tim got the directions from my grandfather. We had to fly across the country into Canada. We flew for awhile until I spotted the mountains. The sight was amazing, I've never seen anything like that.

We landed in about an hour in a place called Kelowna in British Columbia. I knew that it was here, but I wanted to explore. It wasn't the nicest city, but it was the worst either. After about an hour of exploring, Tim and I went into the forest to shift. After shifting, we ran for awhile in the mountains until my grandfather said there would be a magic force field protecting the castle.

When we got to that area, we shifted back to normal. Tim and I walked along a brick wall until we saw the entrance. Guards were standing there, so we knew we wouldn't be able to get inside without them knowing. We had to think of a plan.

I walked out of the forest quietly in front of the guards.

"Ma'am! What are you doing here? There isn't a town for miles." One of the rough looking guys started walking towards me.

"Oh, I didn't see you there. You scared me. My name is Kim. I was just taking a hike down that mountain there. Would you happen to have any food for my friend and I? We haven't eaten since yesterday. We kinda got lost." The rough looking guy looks at me a little puzzled. He nodded and waved for the other guard to come forward. Tim comes out and the guards hesitate for a bit, but slowly leads us into town.

Tim leans down and whispers in my ear. "Great job." I smiled a little and followed the guards inside. They lead us to the bakery and we thanked them. We expected them to stay near us, but they just walked back to their posts giving us a small warning.

Once inside and the guards out of sight, we slipped out of the bakery and began to explore the town. As we were walking, I was holding onto Tim's arm. I could hear people whispering as we passed, but I tried blocking them out.

We walked up the the castle and looked for any possible entrance. We didn't see any that wasn't guarded by someone. Something in my stomach told me to walk away from the castle.

I slowly started to walk back towards the entrance. I stopped and turned into an alley. Tim followed behind me. "You okay Kim? We need to find a way inside." I nod and begin looking around.

I see a couple barrels and a crate. I go over and move it to the side, only to see a hatchet there. I pull the hatchet up and there's a passageway there. I slip inside and Tim looks at me worried. "Stay here. I don't want anyone wondering where we disappeared to. I'm going to see where this goes."

"Be careful." I nod and look up at him. I close the hatchet and begin making my way down a tunnel. It was dark and quite damp. I think it was heading the way the castle is.

I walked for maybe five minutes, and then the tunnel gets wider. I can hear people above me. It must be the castle.

My body slams up against the wall and I gasp. When I open my eyes and the are no longer dazed, I see a boy holding me by the throat. I can't see the colour of his hair, but his eyes were a bright blue.

My eyes go wide as I look at him. He puts a torch beside my head in a holder and I can see the colour of his hair. It was red. Like mine. His eyes go wide as he looks at me. He lets me go.

"Kim? No. It can't be you. Mom got rid of you when you were a baby. " I was shocked he knew my name. I just nodded and kept my eyes on his. His voice was deep and husky. He wraps me in a hug and I couldn't help but hug him back.

My eyes started to sting. I knew I was on the verge of tears. I blinked back the tears as best I could. It wasn't good enough. I began to sob. He held me tighter in his arms. I felt almost helpless.

We stood there holding each other for awhile. He pulled away and wiped away my tears. "How did you find this place? It's hidden to the human eye. We didn't think you'd be able to find it."

"Grandfather told me. He gave me directions and told me how to get here. What if we can change what's suppose to happen? Like what if they make it so they don't kill me? It that possible." I was trying to keep my tears away as best as I could. I wanted to just be wrapped in my brother arms again.

Liam shook his head. " I don't know if that's possible. There's only suppose to be one heir, but how'd you find the secret tunnels?" His eyes were wide and he put his hands on my shoulders so I had to face him.

"I actually don't know. They were just kinda, there. I had a feeling." He nodded. He took my arm tightly in his hand. I thought maybe a little to tight, so I wiggled and he released me a little bit.

We walked for a little and it felt like we went uphill for a bit, but I wasn't sure. He took me into the tunnels and the up a small ladder. He opened the hatchet into a small room. "This is the closet in my room. I'll find a place where you can stay."

"I brought someone with me, what about him?" He looked at me kinda confused and then he just nodded. He helped me into the room and closed the hatchet behind me.

"There should be a house beside the bakery. I'm sure Bill won't mind lending it to him." I just nodded and he led me into his bedroom and sat me down on the bed. "I'm sure mom and dad want to see how you're doing. Don't go anywhere. It's too risky."

I nod and sit on the bed as he walks out. He was gone for quite awhile. I didn't know when he was going to be back. As I looked around the room, I could see a fire place with a mantel with pictures of the family. I hear a knock on a door and a women's voice. My eyes go wide and I move back to the closet we had came out of. I hear Liam's voice say something and he comes inside, followed by two pairs of feet behind him.

"Kim? Mom and Dad are here. Come out." I slowly slip out from behind the door and looks up at the two people. They didn't look very old. Their faces looked shocked. I felt stinging in my eyes again, and I blink away the tears once again.

"You shouldn't be here."

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