Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


She has to be somewhere. I haven't found her and its probably been a couple hours since she's been taken. How did they take her? Darts don't work on her.

Haven't I been here before? Yes. That's my scent. They're leading me in circles. Time to break this circle chain. This time I'll go left.

I walk forward for a good half an hour and pick up another wolves scent. As I'm walking, it smells like two wolves meet up here. I know it's them. They must've head up north. Where the snow is maybe? Shapeshifters can move pretty fast.

I groan and quickly shift into my panther and begin following the scent. After another hour of running, I run into a town. Seems kinda abandoned. Perfect place to hide.

I change back into my human form and begin walking through the town. It's chilly and I was right about the snow. It's getting dark and I still haven't found her. Maybe if I keep going I'll find her soon.

• • •

It's pitch black out and no sign of the wolves anywhere. Where could they be? I've checked every building. They're scent ended here. Maybe the smell of the town hid their scent.

The town is pretty small, but smells like rotting flesh. For the human eye it's hard to see, but I'm not all that human.

I can see a building in the distance. Maybe she's there. As I begin walking I hear footsteps coming from somewhere in the building.

I slow my pace and look around from the corner of my eyes walking. If they see me looking around they'll hide. So I have to look like I don't know they're there.

I feel something sharp hit me in the back. I know that I'm affected my darts, so I know these aren't darts.

Within impact I hit the grab. I reach to feel what's in my back. I can feel the blood. Oh great. Silver. I pull out what feels like a dagger. I know it's gonna hurt but I can give up just yet.

I quickly stand up and turn around and throw it in the direction it came in. It didn't hit anything, so I know someone caught it.

I had to think of a plan fast so I don't get myself killed. Someone obviously knows I'm here.

I quickly jump up onto a roof close by and watch near the ground. I see one guy come out of the darkness and look around. Obviously he is looking to where I went. Big mistake stepping out.

I jump into the air and shift. I land on top of him and pin him down. This is the guy that was at the mall. I finally realized something. They didn't want the dragon. They wanted Kim.

In a quick jolt of my body, he's no longer alive. I shift back and by now I can feel the blood running down my back. I don't know how much longer this is going to last, but I need to find her before something happens. She's gotta be here somewhere.

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