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A month has passed since the death of Han Solo. A month since Star Killer Base was destroyed. A month since Finn nearly died battling Kylo Ren. A month since I found Luke Skywalker, and he agreed to train me.

The month has not been kind, with the Republic gone, the First Order has risen while the Resistance has been diminished to staggeringly small number. And all this time i have tried to ignore the flood of grief for the father that I never had, and now never will have.

My desire to find my parents is greater than ever, but I can't. I can't go back to Jakku. I can't go looking for them- I don't even know who they are. I can't even begin to search for them, because of Kylo Ren.

If I'm honest with myself, I'd have to admit I was more curious than I should have been when he removed his mask. My disgust towards him almost faltered when I saw that he was not a ghastly monster, but in fact a fairly attractive young man. It was short lived, for I reminded myself of all that he had done and my spite returned.

My repugnance for him has only grown as I hear about his continued heinous acts, among them, the slaughter of his own father.

Still, he somehow haunts my dreams, and I can't help but hope that he will someday change. That perhaps he would come back...

Look at me, an idealistic Jedi who hopes a murderer will return to the light.


Because I had to force myself to keep my eyes off him that day in the interrogation room.

Or perhaps because I feel drawn to him in a way that words cannot begin to describe.

But that is irrelevant now. My abhorrence for the man knows no bounds. Any ounce of affection that was already nonexistent was crushed when he skewered Han right in front of me. He knew I cared about him, he had told me himself. Unsurprisingly, he didn't care. He wanted to get rid of his distraction. Little did he know he was asphyxiating my chances at a decent future with a family.

Not that I want revenge or anything... I've been trained to reject these emotions I feel towards him, and I have. In the eyes of Luke. Inside, my abomination burns strong and bright, but I've buried it deep enough to be undetected by even him, a great Jedi master. It will stay that way until the day comes when my reprisal can be complete and Kylo Ren is dead at my feet.

Some Jedi I'm turning out to be.

Author's Note: This is what I would LIKE to have happen in the next movie.

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