Epilogue (Part 2)

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POV: Rey

I was taken aback by Ben's abrupt tone. I stared at him for a beat before beginning to understanding his logic.

The air felt cold between us, it was as if all the warmth and happiness had been sucked out of the air, it made me shiver slightly.

I wasn't sure what changed, but I trusted Ben to have a plan- even if he didn't explain it to me.

I broke out of my shocked state and began to slip the shackles onto my wrists- making sure not to completely lock them into place so I would be able to slip them off when I needed to.

I had already read over the briefings that included what exactly transpired the day that Ben was captured and the day that I had brushed shoulders with death.

According to the holograms, the boarding party had not been successful in even getting remotely close to Snoke's chambers. They were severely out numbered and outgunned. Their only success on their mission was in fact capturing Kylo Ren. Unfortunately, I've stolen even that tidbit of success from them.

I was unsurprised by the outcome- the only ones who could defeat Snoke, was us. They were fools to think they could do it themselves.

My eyes widened as we were approved for landing and we hovered into the Dreadnought's hanger bay.

As soon as we had landed, Ben was up and had grabbed me from my seat, gently shoving me towards the transports exit ramp.

My heart pounded and fear rose in my throat unwillingly as the reflective ground of the hanger came into view, lined with at least a dozen storm troopers in their formation.

Just as we had made it 10 feet from the ship, Hux came into view with a couple troopers at his shoulders.

"Ren. If I'm frank, I didn't expect to ever see you again." His voice came out spiteful, a grimace seeming to form on his lips. "No matter, you escaped- and managed to bring back the scavenger as well." There was no admiration or recognition in his tone, it was just cold.

I could feel Ben tense behind me- the hatred I felt between the two of them could easily spark into an inferno, the air so thick it was hard to breathe.

"Supreme Leader would like to see you, of course. Report to his chamber at once." The words were barely in the air before Hux had spun around and marched away from the pair.

Ben didn't even spare him a glance as he shoved me forward to begin walking.

We walked in a chilly silence, followed by a pair of storm troopers marching at our flanks.

This wasn't an act. He was different.

Fear again flooded up from within me as we arrived at the entrance to Snoke's chamber.

I sucked in a breath as the doors zoomed open to reveal his massive chamber, it's walls covered in crimson.

I noticed the red knights standing motionless in front the blood-like walls, their red armor somehow still standing out against the twin background.

My heart pounded in my chest as I studied their weapons, trying to find possible weaknesses.

"Well done, my good and faithful apprentice." Snoke's voice emanated throughout the chamber as I finally allowed my attention to settle on him. "My faith in you is restored. Although you allowed yourself to be deceived and captured, you have returned... with the scavenger."

I felt Ben's presence behind me grow distant as he allowed me to walk closer to Snoke.

"Young Rey." He attention was now directed at me. "Welcome back." His voice sent chills down my spine although I was able to keep it hidden. I just stared back at him, unfazed. "I had hoped you would be the path to the prophecy that was foretold so long ago, but I see now that despite the trust I gave you to finish your training with Ren- you still were called back to the light."

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