Chapter 19- Side Effects

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POV: Rey

Dizzily I blinked open my eyes, allowing the dim light of Ren's bedroom to filter through my lashes.

My heart was still pounding in my chest as I slowly focused on Ren's sleeping shape on the bed.

Reality washed over me as I emerged from the vision.

It had been so real...

I noticed now I was sitting cross legged with my back against the wall. I slowly slid my hand to my stomach to see if it was abnormally distended, but it was as it usually was from all the training I had been doing.

I took a deep breath as I tried to remember why I was even in Kylo's chamber.

I remembered overhearing Kylo Ren and Snoke speaking of a prophecy, about my child, and showing Ren my lightsaber. Then I recalled going back to the training area to work until Ren got done with his business.

When he had returned he invited me back to his quarters to discuss... everything, but he looked so tired and stressed I told him to just sleep and I'd be there when he woke up.

I often waited until Ren was asleep to meditate because of the fact that it isn't a very Sith thing for me to do. Despite the fact I feel myself slipping to the darkside, I cannot seem to break some of my habits.

I guess meditating had triggered a vision, of me being pregnant.

I shuddered at the thought.

There was no way that that could happen, not anytime soon. Ren would never allow it. Besides, he barely touched me really.

I stood up quickly from my position on the wall and looked over Ren's rising and falling flank, so even and so calm.

It was interesting to see him this... peaceful.

I almost jumped as I walked by my own reflection in his dresser mirror.

I stared at myself in the dim light.

My eyes looked sunken in and even the color had dimmed. My face looked more angular and sharp, as if my cheeks could cut through stone. There were white scars scattered on my neck and a few burns on my cheek.

I hadn't realized how much I had changed

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I hadn't realized how much I had changed...

I tore my gaze from the mirror as I pushed my way out of the room.

Immediately I felt a weight lifted off my chest. The room seemed to be stifling to me.

I had to concentrate. Tomorrow- or maybe today (I wasn't completely positive of the time) was the day I had been waiting for. The whole reason I had worked so hard to befriend Kylo Ren.

The day the Resistance is going to smite the First Order once and for all.

How could I have let myself slip away so easily to the darkside... I was never even supposed to be here.

Luke had just wanted me to stay cooped up and join in when they attacked, but I wanted more.

I knew I could make a difference. I knew I could save Kylo Ren from not only Snoke... but from himself.

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