Chapter 16- Prophecy

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THAT'S INCREDIBLE. Especially considering a lot of people don't vote 😅


BTW sorry for that little dream scare... I swear it was necessary, don't hate me 😂

POV: Kylo Ren

"... become too much of a distraction. You have to end it. You have to end her." I refused to look up at Snoke as he spoke the words I had already anticipated.

"I thought this was what made us different from the Jedi. We are allowed to feel, to rely on our emotion- passion even." I growled as I glared up at him through my mask.

"Emotions that will make you stronger. Anger, hate, and lust for power, not a woman. Love will only weaken you. It is a weakness and you must expunge it." Although cold, he seemed to be more patient than usual. "You will never truly be focused in battle. Half your mind will always be on keeping her safe. I cannot have that for a soon to be leader of the Galaxy."

"But her skills-"

"Regrettably her skills would have a great asset to our cause, but we will find another..." He grumbled softly.

"There is no one else! She is the one." I protested, sure now of what I had already suspected.

"The one in the prophecy? Are you certain of this?" His voice was a warning. A warning of the pain that would come if I happened to be wrong.

"Think about it... 'Kin of a skilled Jedi who has long since passed.' I know from her mind that she is Obi Wan's granddaughter. 'Bring our enemies out from hiding.' We now know where Luke Skywalker is to be rid of him, because she found him. 'Has allegiances to both sides of the force.' That is self explanatory." I explained as Snoke regarded me carefully. 

"If she is who you believe she is, her child..." He trailed off as he considered the possibility.

"Her child will secure our rule over the galaxy and bring back the Sith as a species." I finished, knowing the ancient prophecy better than my own lightsaber. I had been taught it once I failed to be the one the prophecy referred to.

I was once disappointed that I wasn't the one of the prophecy, but now it made me hopeful. Whether it was true or not, it could very well save Rey's life.

POV: Rey

My heart thumped in my chest as I kept a hand clamped over my mouth to silence my breathing.

I was positive that even though I was outside the chamber, the slightest sound could be heard from inside.

I now stood there in complete shock of what I had just heard.

My child?! I'm barely out of being a child myself, how could I have a child?! And with who...

I about slapped myself for not quieting my thoughts sooner, but it was too late as I felt myself being yanked into the room by an invisible force.

"Someone has been extremely nosey today." I narrowed my eyes up at Kylo Ren as he stared down at me blankly through his mask.

"I-I heard what you said. You can't expect me to have a-" I protested as I fiddled with my saber in my grasp, but I was interrupted by Snoke's cruel chuckle.

"On the contrary girl, you are destined for a great deal more than to birth a child for us. In time, the prophecy will be fulfilled in its own. It is inevitable." He didn't seem to want to elaborate on it as he looked away from me and to Ren. "You've earned my approval. Proceed with your training and we may get use from her yet." 

My eyes widened in fear as the hologram dissipated and Ren tore off his mask, running over to me immediately. He enveloped me into his chest as I felt the tears begin to fall.

I've cried so much recently... You never would have known I was going through Sith training with how weak I was.

"I- I don't want my child to lead the Sith..." I whispered into his neck and he pulled away to look at me in surprise.

"You shouldn't worry about that now. I'm sure it will be a while before you even think about having a-" He broke off when I shook my head sadly and refused to look at him.

He didn't say anything more as he lead me out of the chamber silently and to my quarters.

"You know.. I came running down here to show  you my modified crystal, hoping it would change Snoke's mind about killing me, and you never got to see it." I said half heartedly as I unclipped my saber and turned it over in my hand.

Ren smiled slightly at the break in the thick silence as he motioned me to activate it, and stood back to watch.

I used the force to activate the saber and red light poured out of both ends, drowning the entire hall in crimson.

"It is very nice. You managed to modify it without damaging it, better than my crystal. I was doltish to think I could rush the process of modification, and I ended up corrupting the crystal in its chamber." He explained as he took my saber to examine it. He shrugged as he handed it back. "I apologize, but I do have business to attend to unfortunately. I will talk to you when I return and we can discuss this.... children thing."

I sighed and watched him march away and down the hall, wondering if it was already too late.

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