Chapter 17- Mistakes

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POV: Rey

{A week later}

Have you ever had this horrible dread in the pit of your stomach? Thought to yourself, "If I had known this, I would not have done this." The feeling of not quite regret.... possibly compunction. The debate on whether you are actually with child or so paranoid that you think you are...

I pushed down my cacophony of thoughts so I could concentrate on my exercises.

I went through my usual routine and right as I finished Kylo sauntered into the room swiftly, making me jump.

A knot began to form in the pit of my stomach as he approached me and I lowered my saber nervously.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, his face no longer hindered by his mask.

I opened my mouth to rattle off the usual "I'm fine" spiel, but before I could a sharp pain pierced my stomach, causing me to gasp, doubling over and clutching my stomach.

I felt hands immediately grip my shoulders to keep me from falling over as I sensed worry wash over him.

"What-" he started, but before he could express his concern I clenched my teeth and stood up straight to attempt a smile at him. I don't think it worked very well, he looked quite unconvinced.

"I- I'm fine." The words came out harsh and labored, not unlike my breath. "I'm probably just hungry... I haven't eaten yet today." I think I was more so trying to convince myself than I was him..

This had to be nothing.

"You're not fine." He whispered as he looked down at me, worry darkening his gaze.

I shook my head solemnly and suddenly I felt my body being swept off the ground and enveloped in a warm embrace.

"You are going to see the medical droid, no arguments

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"You are going to see the medical droid, no arguments." He added when I opened my mouth to protest. I shut it with a snap and glared at the passing doorways as he carried me down the hall like a child.

"You know I can walk by myself." I growled, mildly irritated.

"Like I care. You would try and run." He smirked down at me as I felt him adjust his grip on my back.

I rolled my eyes, but didn't deny it.

I was fine. I did not need a doctor.

Just a mild stomach ache...

I felt the judgmental stares of storm troopers that pass us. Unfazed by their stares, Ren just marched briskly towards the medical bay.

Their opinions seemed to no longer bother him. His reputation was becoming less and less important to him.

When we had finally reached the bay, the pain had increased and I thought for sure I was going to be sick. Ren gently laid me on one of the cots as a droid approached me on the opposite side.

"Check her. Find out what's wrong." He ordered, worry finding its way into his voice.

The droid barely acknowledged him as it inserted a needle into my arm. I felt a pinch as i watched it draw blood, and numbness started to creep up my arm. I stifled my gasp from the sudden pain, but I was unsuccessful as I saw Ren jerk forward, ready to rip the droid in half. I put my opposite hand on his chest lightly to stop him.

"What hurts?" The droid asked me mechanically.

I dropped my hand from his chest and laid it on my stomach to show the droid. I refrained from speaking because of the fact that if I tried to talk, I might just throw up the minute amount of food I had eaten.

The droid removed my hand and tugged up my shirt to reveal my smooth stomach. The ultra sound wand was cold and it sent chills throughout my body, causing me to shiver slightly.

I assumed that all the images that the wand was receiving went straight to the droid because there wasn't a screen, but the droid was analyzing something.

"You are with child." The monotoned voice uttered the words I had dreaded since I had overheard Ren and Snoke, and my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach.

"N-no you're lying." I could barely get the words from my lips as my mouth went as dry as the Jakku sands themselves.

I ignored the blabbering droid as he started rattling off the prenatal treatments I should start, I just turned to look at Kylo who hadn't uttered a word, not even a sound.

I don't think he noticed me staring at him, waiting for a reaction.

Right before I could scold him for not saying anything, he spoke with barely a whisper.

"You have to leave."

My heart stopped.

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