Chapter 2- Pain

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"It's too late." I heard his voice echo in my ears as the bridge came into view.

"No it's not. Leave with me. Come home. We miss you." The all too familiar voice made my heart flutter in hope.

I was ready to spring over the railing and race straight towards him, but something held me in place.

I sensed Finn next to me as he stared down at the duo below us.

"I'm being torn apart." I tore my gaze from Han and glared down at the broken Kylo Ren. "I want to be free of this pain."

I felt a twinge of sympathy for the young man, but it broke when I heard the words he uttered next.

"I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I'll have the strength to do it. Will- will you help me?" He asked, the strength and stubbornness I had seen so often was crumbling. I knew his true meaning behind his words.

I desperately tried to scream. To warn Han of his son's treachery, but I couldn't figure out how to speak. I was paralyzed.

"Anything." The emotion behind that word could pierce through stone as Han stepped closer to his son. If only Kylo could feel it. If only he could see how much his father cared for him. But his heart was worse than stone.

Ren unclipped his hilt and held it out for Han.

Maybe I was wrong... How could he be lying when he was giving away his only weapon?

Han rested his hand on the hilt and made a move to take it, but it didn't budge. Darkness engulfed the room as the sun disappeared.

I saw Ren look up into his father's eyes as he ignited it right into his gut. I felt as if it was going through mine and I gasped in pain.

I finally found my voice as I let out a screech and prepared to jump over the edge, but Finn held me back.

Tears burned my eyes as I saw Han stroke his sons face before plummeting into the depths of the chasm.

I heard Chewie's roar join mine as he shot the bastard. Ren grabbed his side and looked up not at Chewie, but me. My anger bubbled over as my streaming eyes made contact with his.

I let out another blood curling screech as the first explosion shook the ground in a deafening roar.

"Rey!" I heard Finn yell in my ear, but I ignored him as I fought against his hold on me.

"Let me go!" I screamed as darkness started to flood the fiery room until it covered my vision.

"Rey stop! It's me!" I felt hand grasp my shoulders and shake me violently. My eyes snapped open to see the bearded face of Luke standing over me, worry creased on his face.

I felt tears continuing to pour down my face as I tried to look at him.

"What happened?" Luke asked quietly as he sat across from my bed mat.

"I saw it again. I didn't just see it... I lived it." My voice came out weak and it trembled almost as much as my body did. "Why won't they stop?! It's already happened! I thought Jedi were supposed to get visions of the future, not reminiscences of the past!" I found my fury again as I buried my head in my knees.

I felt a hand squeeze my shoulder comfortingly. "You know how much I wish I knew all the answers, but I don't." His answer infuriated me, but I was too mangled to start a fight. "Come. We have a long journey ahead of us, Ilum is not a generous planet."

I nodded silently as I wiped my eyes angrily and hopped to my feet, refraining from looking at Luke all the while.

The only way I can be rid of these dreams is to avenge his death. I thought to myself as I stalked out of the stone hut and towards the Millennium Falcon.

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