Chapter 6- Identity

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Yes I am aware we have no idea who Rey's parents are, SO my story will just be based off of one of the theories. I am also aware that may be incorrect, or you may or may not agree. I don't care either way, it is what is necessary for this story.

POV: Rey

"You knew my grandfather?" My voice was no more than a whisper as I deactivated the lightsaber in shock.

"Of course I know him, he's my mentor and friend. He's one of the wisest people I have ever met." He smiled slightly as he sat down by the wall. "I'm guessing you want to know him?" He asked, beckoning me to sit in front of him.

I nodded excitedly as I plopped down criss cross in front of him like a child awaiting a bed time story.

"It all started when I came to be in possession of a curious little astro droid called R2D2. The same droid who claimed to be the property of Obi Wan Kenobi..."

POV: Kylo Ren

"How did it go?" Hux pressed as soon as I had step foot on the shuttle.

I didn't answer right away as I brushed straight past him, towards an area that wasn't crowded with Stormtroopers.

Only when I was sure he had followed me did I speak.

"Well if you couldn't tell already, I failed." I muttered from under my mask, refusing to look at Hux.

"What happened? She was vulnerable! How could you let her just slip away like that?!" He whined loudly as a I felt his annoyance heat up, it infuriated me.

"Perhaps, I have a better plan." I stated cryptically, trying to ignore him, for Snoke would be severely displeased if the General showed up in two pieces instead of one.

"And what brilliant plan might this be?" He inquired snarkily. "Supreme Leader Snoke will not be pleased with-"

"Don't berate me! You forget your place, Hux. It is pointless to tell him, but go ahead, if you wish, you will regret it." I cut him off as I spun around and glared at him. Prior to turning, I thought I saw him shrivel a bit and that made me slightly more satisfied. "He said to have the scavenger dead or turned before the week is out, and that is just what I'm going to do. I have my strategy for completing the task."

He seemed to push down his fear of my threat quickly as he countered, "How is saving the girl a strategy?" He snapped, trying to maintain his bad attitude.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I smirked under my mask as he narrowed his eyes at me furiously.

"Obviously, that's why I'm asking." He growled as he crossed his arms over his chest in a huff. I tuned his voice completely out.

I ignored him the rest of the way back to the ship all the while considering the real reason I had saved her.

I couldn't let her die. Not like that.

I needed a chance.

A chance to save her from the light.

POV: Rey

"So you're telling me I'm Obi Wan Kenobi's granddaughter? I'm a Kenobi?!" I couldn't stop the disbelief in my voice as I stared at Luke with an open mouth.

"That is exactly what I'm telling you." He alleged calmly, unfazed by my total shock.

"Then who are my-"

"Parents? It doesn't matter who they were. We have more pressing mattes to attend to now." He got to his feet swiftly and held out his hand to me. "You've got a mission to do."

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