Chapter 3- Trials

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I sighed out a puff of white as I stepped out of the Millennium Falcon and onto the frozen wasteland. Already the cold was seeping into my bones despite the thick cloak I had on.

"Quickly, you must hurry if you want to get out of the caves before dark." Luke stated as he cocooned himself in his layers and led me to the entrance of the cave.

My body shook with anticipation, that or it was the cold. Either way I couldn't help the perturbation I felt in my gut.

"You'll be fine, Rey. I know you're capable." He attempted to smooth my nerves. "Now remember, this cave is one of the most sacred places the Jedi have. Don't be surprised if you get visions." I nodded as I let out another puff of white. "You remember what you're looking for?"

"The crystal that doesn't melt in my hand. Seems easy enough." I smirked at my master as I trudged past him and through the entrance.

"Remember I can't retrieve you if you get stuck! You will surely freeze to death if you get trapped in there after dark!" I heard him yell after me, but I just shrugged.

How hard could it be?

Finally I reached the real entrance to the temple. The severity of its archaism was so egregious that I could only assume it came about during the Old Republic. This is the part that had me worried. The cyclopean stone ingress that stood in my path.

I stretched out a hand as I felt the presence of the door. My arm flexed as I felt the weight of the door and it began to raise up. When it had reached about half way I quickly slipped under it, before letting it go with large thump.

This place felt almost... alive. I could hear the slightest or whispers echo throughout the tunnels, drawing me farther into its depths.

The light was dim, but the walls seemed to glow as I crunched down one of the tunnels.

Fortuitously, my feet were leaving footprints so it would be possible to find my way back.

I honestly didn't know where to look. I thought there was supposed to be a sign or something...

There was a chamber that stopped me in my tracks, the bright reflection of myself had caught my eye.

I looked down both ends of the tunnel before stepping into the niche, towards my reflection.

As I grew closer, it multiplied into a long line of- well, me.

I lifted a hand to my head and saw there was a cascade of the movement down the reflection. I snapped my fingers and all of a sudden I wasn't in a room anymore. The snap traveled down the extensive line of my reflections before coming back around, finishing with the reflection behind me.

That's when I realized it wasn't reflections anymore, it was copies of myself and the line had to end somewhere. That was where I needed to be, that was where I would find my answers.

I peered up at the enormous wall in front of me, resembling a mirror that has long been neglected.

Somehow I knew it could give me what I needed, what I've been looking for.

"Show me... my parents." The words came softly and in a puff of white.

Two silhouettes appeared behind the ice and began walking towards me.

My heart began to flutter with anticipation as the grew closer to each other... and merging.

A singular silhouette now stood right on the other side of the glass, the silhouette of a man. Who's features were not recognizable.

I lifted my fingers to meet the ice and I touched them to it gently. The fog began to recede to reveal... myself.

I stared into my own eyes, crestfallen.

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