Chapter 14- Home

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POV: Rey

"Do it Rey. He's too dangerous to be kept alive." Luke's voice flooded my head as I stared down at a kneeling Kylo Ren.

He hadn't even put up a fight.

"So this is what you had planned from the beginning? Earn my trust enough to sneak the rebels on board. I have to admit, it's clever." Despite his cocky attitude I could hear sadness creep into his voice as he stared up at me with those dark eyes. They burned right through me.

I looked away, ashamed of myself.

"Rey get it done." I glanced at Luke who had approached us with his arms across his chest.

I bit my lip harshly as I looked back at Ren and activated one end of my saber, letting the hum wash over me as I tried to block out my emotion.

These weeks of training with him had ruined the barrier between my feelings and I.

I could barely stand to look at his face, which seemed to beg me to reconsider.

He had to die. He had killed Han and he deserved the same fate.

He was a monster.

I sucked in a breath as I held out a hand to pull him to me, but I hesitated when he spoke.

"I know you weren't faking the entire time. You rely on your thirst for revenge. You have feelings for me. You long for blood. You resent your master. Kill me if you want, but you don't belong with him and you know it." He growled as he glared briefly at Luke who looked at me inquiringly. "You are Sith, and killing me will only solidify that."

My eyes widened as my hand began to shake, but I halted it with a wave of anger.

He was wrong.

I am a Jedi, like my grandfather before me, and he wasn't going to change that.

I force pulled him onto my saber just as he had with his own father.

I heard him sputter as he attempted to whisper in my ear as I allowed him to lean on me

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I heard him sputter as he attempted to whisper in my ear as I allowed him to lean on me.

I felt my heart crack when I heard him utter, "I love you.."

Tears rushed to my eyes as I realized what I had done.

"I know..." I whispered wretchedly.

This had to be necessary. I couldn't live my life as a Jedi if he lived.

"I-I'm sorry." I uttered as I deactivated my lightsaber and my knees buckled. I now held his head on my lap so he stared up at me with tearful eyes. I didn't care if Luke saw me, I had done what he had asked.

Instead of responding, Ren merely rested his hand on my face gently, wiping a tear I hadn't realized had fallen.

I knew it meant he forgave me. His father had forgiven him in the same way.

How could he forgive me so easily? I had betrayed him.

I bit my lip to conceal a sob as I saw the light fade from his eyes. His hand slipped from my face, and landed limply with a metallic thump.

I sighed, which came out more as a sob as a few tears dripped onto his face.

"Come, let's go home." I heard Luke say quietly as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Home." I repeated the word which felt so foreign upon my lips.

Where was home?

Originally it was Jakku and then it was the Jedi temple, but I realize now that it was here that I had found comfort in.

Here I hadn't been lonely.

Here I hadn't been cursed with dreams of death.

It wasn't the ship that was home either.

It was Kylo Ren. He was here. He made it home.

And now he's gone.

I killed him.

I've destroyed my home.

"I have no home." I whispered as I gently put his head on the ground and stood to follow my jailer.

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