Wolf Moon part 2

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Scott went to bed with a smile on his face as the events of today replayed for him. He aced his tryout and Allison was going to the party with him. He nuzzled down in his bed and soon rolled over until he faced the wet ground. He then got up to his feet to realize that he wasn't in his room anymore but in the middle of the woods. He only had on his boxer shorts and was barefoot in the middle of the foggy woods in the early morning. How did he get there?

He backed up a bit before he hit something and he turned around and let a scream loose as soon as the other guy screamed.

"Stiles?" he shrieked.

"Scott?" Stiles shrieked back.

Stiles was dressed in his pajama bottoms and had a faded shirt on but was also barefoot and was looking as lost and confused as Scott was.

"What are you doing out here?" asked Scott

"What am I doing here? I don't know. I went to bed and the next thing I know I'm out here. What about you?" Stiles said taking his appearance.

"Me too. Did...did we sleepwalk here?"

That didn't make any sense to Stiles. Even if they both sleepwalked last night, why would they sleepwalk to the same exact spot?

Their conversation was cut short when they noticed heard some wood cracking out in the distance and a dark shape was hidden off in the fog. It looked big and it was down on all fours, like a wolf. The two of them tensed at the sight and they started to slowly move away, but the thing started to slowly trail after them. The two of them then broke into a frenzied run. The beast then started to run off too.

They ran up a hill and came up to a fence and the two of them jumped it before they landed in water. The two of them broke the surface to come up to a man watering his plants.

"Morning," Scott said timidly while Stiles gave the guy a friendly wave.


The two of them managed to leave from that without that man choosing to do anything more than ask them to leave. It was not fun for either of them to trek back to their homes, soaking wet. Stiles was getting ready for school when he started to hear his dad's voice again. He was on the phone and the word 'fiber analysis' was heard from the person on the other end. Stiles hid off to the side and closed his eyes as he listened in on every word that his father was sharing with the coroner.

Scott was at his locker at school after school to stow his extra things away when his locker door was suddenly shut from under him by Jackson. Scott saw that he looked pissed.

"Alright little man, why don't you tell me where you're getting your juice?"


"Where, are you getting, your juice?" he asked again more slowly and roughly.

Scott wondered why he wanted to know that. "My mom does the grocery shopping," he found himself saying.

That seemed to piss Jackson off more. "Now listen McCall, you're going to tell me what it is you're taking and who you're getting it from because there is no way in hell that you're kicking ass out there on the field without some chemical boost. You or that spastic friend of yours."

Scott's eyes widened. "Oh you mean steroids. Wait, you want steroids?"

Jackson flipped and grabbed him. "What the hell is going on with you McCall?!

"You really want to know?!" Scott shot back. "Well so would I, because now I can see, hear and smell things that I shouldn't! I'm doing things that should be impossible and I'm sleepwalking three miles into the woods and I'm going out of my frickin mind!"

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