The Magic Bullet

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The streets of Beacon Hills were dead silent as the curfew was still out on account of the recent animal attacks. So Kate Argent had no trouble with traffic as she pulled into town and drove the streets. She was listening to the newscaster on the radio talking about the recent attacks in the town. She just snorted as she switched the channel to some music instead. As she drove she sensed something amiss, even though she missed seeing the giant wolf running past her window a moment ago. She looked back to see if anything was following her when she nearly crashed into a pickup that was pulling in across from her.

"Nice driving Kate," she mumbled to herself. "Nice."

She was about to pull forward when something hit the roof of her car. She reached into the back and pulled out a shotgun and fired straight up into the roof.

The shotgun blast woke both Scott and Stiles from their sleep as it echoed off into their heads.

Kate then went into the back and pulled out her rifle and went into her bullet case for her special bullets. She then went to her phone and sent a message to her brother.

Allison was up to as she heard her father moving around downstairs. "What's going on?" she asked as she stepped out to find him fully dressed.

"Your Aunt Kate just texted. I'm heading over to pick her up."

"But it's two in the morning," she said. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, she's just having car trouble," he said.

"It's not serious, is it?"

"No," he shrugged off. "It's just a flat tire. Go on back to bed sweetheart."

Allison headed back for her room while he headed out the door.

Derek was out trying to track down the Alpha when he came upon some drops of blood. They were fresh. He looked up and caught sight of it scaling the walls of the building across from him. He tried to scale the building after him and got to the roof as he scanned for any sign of it. He saw it running off a small distance away so he chased after it. He jumped the building when he felt a sharp pain hit him in the arm as it knocked him down. He saw that his arm had a big gaping bullet hole now in it and noticed that there was a blue glow in his wound. He forced himself up and got out of there as quick as he could.

Kate Argent had spotted him and then went and shot the werewolf as he jumped. She put her rifle down, knowing that she scored a hit.

The shot had attracted both Scott and Stiles to the area. Scott was across the street from Kate while Stiles was hiding behind a building at the other side of the block.

Chris Argent pulled up and went right on over to her. "Get in," he growled at her.

"Oh not even a hello," she said mockingly. "Nice to see you."

"All I've got at the moment is 'Please put the assault rifle away before someone notices'."

"That's the brother I love," she smirked before it fell off. "Chris, there were two of them."

"The Alpha?" he asked.

"I don't know but one of them tried to kill me."

"Well, one of them was going to lead us to the other and he can't do that if he's dead," he said scolding to her

"Well, I can't help kill either of them if I'm killed first," she argued back.

He exhaled. "How long will it take?"

She shrugged. "I give him 48 hours. If that." She then went to head into Chris' car.

Scott had been watching the two of them, Allison's father and apparently her aunt too, talking about the shot she made and a part of him hoped that the one she had shot was indeed the Alpha.

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