Second Chance at First Line part 2

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When Stiles had run out of the car with the wolfsbane Scott had gotten out of the car himself and had run off in the opposite direction. His face had fully shifted and he started running on two feet before switching off on all fours. He came across a small gorge and he quickly leapt right over it and landed on the other side and kept on going.

"Stiles, you know you can't the dispatch line when I'm on duty."

"I just wanted to know if you got any odd calls." Stiles had gotten in his car and was quickly driving off as he tried to get a hold of his scent. Scott couldn't have gotten too far yet and there was still a chance for him to track him down before he got seen but he had to make sure they wouldn't have any unexpected surprises so he radioed dispatch.

"Odd calls?" she repeated. "How?"

"Like an odd person. Or like individual roaming around."

"I'm hanging up now."

"Wait," he cried before he heard it cut off. He then slammed it down angrily. His eyes fell momentarily on an image of a bipedal wolf carrying a girl in his arms. "Of course," he muttered. Where else would Scott be heading?


Allison was doing some homework in her room unaware that there was someone on the roof watching her. Scott was quietly scaling across the top of her house keeping his golden gaze locked on her. Allison then went over to the window to close the curtain and Scott quickly caught sight of his reflection. It shocked him to see him look so bestial and he couldn't let Allison see him like that. He quickly leapt off the roof and tried to make a break for it when he suddenly got hit by a car and was thrown to the side.

Chris Argent got out of the car and ran to him. "Oh my god," he muttered.

Scott groaned as the pain of the hit got to him. He then heard Allison's gasp.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"He came out of nowhere," he tried to explain to her.

Scott was then turned around and his features were back to normal.

"Are you trying to kill him?" Allison asked.

Scott looked frighteningly over to him. The double meaning of that question hitting him worse than the car did.

"No, of course not," said Mr. Argent. "He just ran out into the driveway."

"I'm sorry," Scott said quickly. "It was my fault."

"You okay?" Allison softly asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I swear. I'm sorry I hit your car," he said to Mr. Argent before looking back at Allison. "I was just coming to see you."

"You sure you're okay?" she asked him as she helped him up.

"Yeah, lacrosse," he said like it explained everything. "Speaking of, I should get going. I have a game to get to. You coming?"

"Yeah," she said with a smile.

"We both are," Mr. Argent said. "Come on, we'll give you a lift."

Over at the other side of the street, Stiles was in his jeep staring at the house as he had seen and heard everything. He didn't like that Scott was riding in the same car as the guy who shot him with a crossbow but it looked like he was safe, for now. He started the car. He better head off to catch the game too.


Scott was in the locker room getting ready when he heard Jackson started to talk from across the locker room. He had said his name.

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