Second Chance at First Line

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Stiles was changing into his gear when a whistle blew next to his ear. With his new hearing, Stiles thought that his ears probably started bleeding, if not from the whistle then from what followed after it.

"Stilinski! My office! Now!" the Coach said before he headed off.

Stiles threw his lacrosse stick in his locker before he forced himself to walk into the room where Coach was eagerly waiting for him. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yeah, you mind tell me what was up with the Houdini act? I was actually looking forward to seeing you try out given what I saw from you before. Where the hell were you?"

"Yeah, an emergency. I had to go and take care of it." Stiles tried to explain away.

"Emergency? What kind of emergency was it for you to bolt out of practice?"

"The kind that I don't feel comfortable talking about," he threw out there.

"Good, then I don't want to hear about it. You know that you just blew your chance to make first line and you actually had a good chance so I hope it was worth it."

"Yeah, I know Coach," he breathed out.

But then Coach sucked audibly on his teeth before taking a step towards him. "Well, lucky for you Stilinski that I'm feeling in a good mood today. You and McCall seemed to have picked up a new beat recently and if McCall's tryout was anything to go by then I would be stupid to pass this up."

"Pass what up."

"Today, practice, I'll be watching you. If I like what I see, then, you might just get a second shot at first line."

"You're joking," Stiles breathed.

Coach just gave him a look. "Do I look like I'm trying to be amusing?" Stiles gave him a once over and Coach just waved him off. "Go finish getting ready."

"Right. Yeah, thanks Coach," Stiles said nearly jumping out of the room.

Stiles then headed to get his stick but noticed Scott over at his locker space, staring out into space. He looked like someone ran over his puppy. Something must've happened.

"Scott, hey. Did you apologize to Allison?" he asked carefully.

"Yeah," he muttered.

"So? Is she giving you a second chance?"

"Yeah," he muttered again.

Stiles smiled and held his hands out. "Yeah, alright. So everything's good." It seemed like a time for second chances around here today. He would think Scott would be jumping for joy.

"No," he said before Stiles could keep celebrating."


"Um, you remember the hunters? Her dad is one of them."

Stiles' jaw dropped. "Her dad?" He was hoping he heard wrong.

"Shot me," he muttered in that same dazed look.

"Allison's father?"

"With a crossbow," Scott said, again in the same daze.

"Allison's father?" Stiles repeated a little more loudly.

"Yes! Her Father!" he freaked. "Oh my God," he coughed out. "Oh my god."

Stiles shook his head and went over to him. No, they didn't need to start panicking now. They still were having trouble grasping this whole 'changing' thing and they didn't need to get over-excited now.

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