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Stiles was happy to finally have his jeep back. With the chaos that happened at the school, classes had been called off while repairs were being made to the school building. When his dad left for the night, Stiles went to the liquor cabinet and grabbed a good bottle of Jack and called Scott. They needed some serious downtime.

Soon enough, they were pulling up into the edge of the Reserve.

"I shouldn't be here," Scott said as they got out of the car. "My mom has been totally freaking out on me since that night at the school."

"Yeah? Well your mom isn't the sheriff. There is no comparison okay, trust me."

"Could you at least tell me what we're doing out here?" Scott almost snapped. He hadn't been in the best of moods lately.

"Yes, well, when your best friend get dumped," Stiles started.

"I didn't get dumped," Scott shot out. "We're taking a break."

Stiles rolled his eyes. Boy was Scott in denial. "Well, when your best friend gets told by his girlfriend that they're taking a break," he then pulled out the bottle. "You get him drunk." A few minutes and half a bottle later, the two of them relaxed by a fire in the barrel. Scott was sitting on a rock hugging his knees while Stiles laid on the ground watching the night sky. They had a fire in a barrel going to add to the atmosphere. "Feeling anything yet?" Stiles asked.

"No," Scott mumbled.

"Yeah, me either. Weird," he said before lifting the bottle. "Strange, my dad always said that this stuff packs a punch." He took another sip and then lifted it to Scott. "Want to try some more?"

"No thanks. I don't want anymore."

"Hmm," Stiles said before taking to his lips again. He felt a slight tingle as it went into his throat but then it was gone soon enough. He wondered what was happening. It was almost like the burn was blocked...or healed. "Hey, do you think that this is like you not needing your inhaler anymore and me not needing my Adderall?"

"I don't know. I guess," Scott said not really caring.

Stiles sucked his teeth. "Great. So it looks like werewolves can't get drunk. We heal too fast to feel alcohol. Looks like we found a drawback."

"Oh I could think of another one."

Stiles raised himself to be sitting straight up. "Scott, relax. I know it hurts but...its not the end of the world."

"Really? How do you know?"

"Because we're still here. We survived a brush against the big bad Alpha wolf. Besides...Allison is just one girl. There's plenty of others out there. Really good ones too." 'Preferably ones that aren't in a family that has a long tradition of hunting werewolves', he added silently.

"Not as good as her," he said staring straight ahead.

Stiles shrugged. "I don't know. I could think of a real good one right now. One that has pretty shiny eyes and nice and soft strawberry hair."

"Like Lydia?" Scott guessed.

"Yeah...Lydia. Pretty and smart. She was really something when she made that firebomb for you."

"Right...too bad it didn't work."

"Yeah," Stiles said gritting his teeth a bit. "Thanks to Jackson. I still don't get why she likes him so much? Why any girl likes a slime like him so much?"

"Well for starters he doesn't go out of his mind once a month," Scott bit out with a small part of him feeling jealous of that fact.

"Mute point Scott. I know this though, unlike him, you're not alone tonight," he said giving his arm a playful bump.

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