Code Breaker part 2

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Stiles and his father started to walk together through the hospital hallways.

"Stiles, just go wait with your friend, alright?" the sheriff asked.

But Stiles wasn't budging. "Dad, just tell me, what else did you find out. I know it has something to do with Derek."

The sheriff narrowed his eyes. "I thought you two said that you barely knew him."

Stiles let his arms fly out in defeat. "Alright, we might know him a little better than that. Or, really just me. I've kind of been helping him look into the Hale fire."

But the sheriff just grabbed him. "You do realize that I'm elected to this job, right?"

"And if I help you figure this out you'll be re-elected," he said standing firm. "Dad, come on. Tell me what you know. Lives are at stake here."

His dad looked back where they came from. "That girl in there has nothing to do with a six year old arson case." He then went on walking.

Stiles followed after him. "There, start there, when did you first decide it was definitely arson?"

"Well we had a key witness, and no I'm not telling who it was. But, yeah it was arson. Probably organized by a young woman."

"Young woman?" Stiles asked tensing. "Who?"

"If I knew that then she'd be in jail."

Stiles exhaled. This was it. It was time. " she supposed to have blond hair?"

The sheriff stopped walking this time. He looked back at his son. "How do you know that?"

"First, tell me if you know anything else about her?"

"What?" his father said before his phone started ringing.

"Do you know anything else about her? Is she old or young or was she young then? Her name, anything."

"What's with the twenty questions?"

"Think dad, think," Stiles pressed.

"Look, all I know is that she had blonde hair, yes, and that she had been wearing some kind of pendant."

Stiles quickly took out his phone and brought up his pictures. "Does it happen to look like this one?"

His phone kept ringing but his dad ignored it as he took the phone closer to look at the image of Allison's necklace that Stiles kept. "Where did you get this?"

"No time to explain dad." He then scrolled on the screen and the image of Kate Argent that he found came right in. "Dad, take this picture and the one of the pendant to your witness. I'm sure he'll give you a positive ID."

"Stiles, what's going on? Who is this?"

"Look dad, you're going to have to trust me."

"Trust you?!"

"Yes! Dad, you have to or more people could get hurt, even killed. I promise, once you get the positive ID, I'll tell you everything you need to know." He then sent the pictures to his dad's phone which was still ringing.

His dad then took his still ringing phone. "You're lucky I have to take this," he said as he answered it and started walking off. "Stilinski," he said as he moved on, no doubt to see to what Stiles had just given him.

Stiles watched his father go off before he went off himself. The first part of his plan was underway. Now he had to see to his other problems. He was heading out for the elevators when Jackson caught sight of him and went over to him.

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