Co-Captain part 2

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Scott went to his room after returning home from his time in the woods with Allison. He checked his phone to see that he had a message. It was from one of his teachers and it reminded him that he didn't hand in his paper. He was told he would get an extension but only two days. Scott could feel the stress building on the front of his brain. His school work was suffering more so than ever on top of all of this with Peter Hale.

There was then a knock on the door. "Not now mom," he muttered as he sat to bask in his despair. The knocking came again. "I said not-"

But it wasn't his mom at the other side. It was Allison.

"Sorry," she said. "Your mom let me in. Can we talk?"

Scott was frozen for a minute. He was surprised that Allison would come over so soon, not that he wasn't complaining. He was happy that she was there. It looked like she was in a bit of a stressful time herself and she wanted to go to him. Some of his own earlier stress started to ebb away and he nodded.

"Sure, come on in," he said moving aside. She came in and he closed the door after her.

"Thanks," she muttered.

The two of them then went to the foot of his bed to sit together. They just stayed there for a while, just feeling each other's presence and finding comfort in each other. Allison then coughed and Scott took that as a sign.

"Do you want me to say something first?" he asked.

She began to shake her head. "No," she said as she fiddled with her phone.

"Ok. Do you want me to leave you alone for a few minutes?"

Allison turned to give him a look. "Why would I want that?"

"Uh...I don't know. It's came in here, said you wanted to talk, and we've been sitting here for over 10 minutes and you haven't said anything and its starting to freak me out," he babbled out.

Allison then let a small laugh escape her which made Scott smile a bit.

"Sorry," she said. "It's just a little hard to start." Allison took a deep breath and then just decided to jump into it. "This is going to sound really ridiculous. Like...I guess I just don't want you to laugh at me."

"I would never laugh at you," he seriously stated.

She smiled at him for a second before it faded into a sad frown. "It's about my family." Scott's face fell a bit. "A little while ago...I caught them in a lie. A small one. aunt first arrived she had car trouble and my dad said it was a flat tire but she said that she needed a jump start."

Scott realized that it must've been the night that Kate Argent shot Derek with that wolfsbane bullet. "Maybe it was just...a little miscommunication," he said trying to find a way to spare Allison's feelings.

"Yeah, that's what I thought too. And then I found glass on her car like, her window had been smashed in." Scott stared blankly at her. "And I've been hearing some really weird conversations. I think some of it has to do with Derek."

Scott swallowed a bit. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I think that he's not the-

But that was cut off with his door opening and his mother coming in.

"Hey Scott, I'm going to be home late tonight-" She froze at the sight of him with Allison as they stood up from sitting on the bed. They both were staring at her. "What? What's wrong? Is it my hair? Makeup?"

"No," he said shaking his head. "Nothing. You look beautiful." Scott had never seen his mother dressed and looking like that except when there were functions or special events for the hospital being hosted.

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