Night School part 2

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Stiles couldn't believe Scott just back stabbed Derek. Scott just hit a new low, considering that he was literally stabbed in the back once tonight already, for them. All because Allison was freaking out at him. When Stiles wouldn't give her the answers she wanted she went to Scott and he was forced to give an answer to her. Stiles was starting to see first hand what Derek meant about her being so dangerous to them even if she wasn't a hunter herself.

"It's Derek?!" Allison had turned to Stiles. "You gave him a ride, didn't you?"

Stiles turned to give Scott a look before he looked back at Allison. "Yeah, I did. So?"

"So?" said Lydia. "You gave a ride to a killer?"

"No. I don't know. Scott's the one who says he saw Derek. I didn't see anyone."

Allison turned to narrow her eyes at Scott. Was he lying to her?

He didn't like the look Allison was giving him. Scott wondered what Stiles was doing. Why wasn't he backing him up? "I did see him," he said desperately at her.

"No," Stiles shot back. "You said that you thought you saw him. There's a difference. Besides, it's been dark all night. How could you know for sure?"

Jackson just waved his arms out before they could keep going. "Hey! You know what, doesn't matter. Just call the police."

"No," Stiles snapped.

Jackson glared at him. "What do you mean no?"

"I mean no. Want to hear it in Spanish? Nooo," he said sarcastically in a mock Spanish accent. "Look, whoever this is, Derek or not, has killed three people. We have no idea what he's armed with."

"Your dad is armed with a whole Sheriff's Department!" Jackson spat at him. "Call him!"

"I'm calling," Lydia said pulling out her phone.

"No, Lydia, will you just hold on for a second." Stiles went to try and stop her but Jackson stepped in his way and shoved him.

"Hey," Scott said as he moved between them to keep them from coming to blows. Scott went to grasp Stiles' shoulder but he angrily pulled it away from Scott's reach.

"Yes," Lydia said when she got through. "We're at Beacon Hills High School. We're trapped and we need you to," But Lydia fell silent. She then looked at her phone in shock. "She hung up on me."

"The police hung up on you?" asked Allison in disbelief.

"She said that they got a tip about prank calls being made about a break in at the high school. Said that if I call again then they'll trace it and have me arrested."

"Then call again," she suggested.

"No," said Stiles. "They won't trace a cell. And they'll send a car to your house before sending anyone here."

"What?!" Allison then furiously ran a hand through her hair. "What's going on? Why does Derek want to kill us? Why is he killing anyone?"

Allison, Lydia and Jackson looked over at Stiles who just looked over at Scott which they did as well. Scott tensed and took a step back.

"Why is everyone looking at me?"

"Is he the one that sent the text?" asked Lydia.

"No. I mean...I don't know," he stuttered.

"Is he the one that called the police?" Allison asked him.

"I don't know!" he shouted at her.

Allison eased back from him and turned away with a hurt look on her face. Scott's own face fell and he looked ready to fall to pieces. Stiles witnessed the two of them and rolled his eyes.

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