The Tell

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At the local video rental store Lydia was pulling up to it with Jackson to look for a movie to go back to her place and watch for the night.

"Okay, Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever, it is the best sports movie ever made," Jackson tried to argue.

"No," Lydia said.

"It's got Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper."

"No," she said again.

Jackson started to get irritated. "Lydia, I swear to god you're going to like it."

"No," Lydia said not skipping a beat.

"I'm not watching The Notebook again." Lydia just raised her eyebrows at him. Soon enough, Jackson was going through the aisles of the vacant store as a phone rang in the distance. "Can someone help me find The Notebook," he gasped out. But no one answered him and the phone kept ringing. "Hello? Is anybody working here?"

The store was empty and a little dark. It was starting to get to him especially with the buzzing of that exposed light fixture on the ceiling close by. Jackson started to walk through the aisles to find someone but he stopped when he noticed a shoe sticking out of one of them. He gave it a look as he slowly stepped to it. He kept his poise but went back in shock when he saw that there was the video store clerk, on the floor, with a deep gash across his neck. He backed up into the ladder and knocked the exposed fixture off the wall and caused the whole place to get darkened.

Outside, Lydia was taking a few selfies so she didn't notice the sudden blackout.

Jackson started to run, trying to get out of there but sensed that someone was there so he ducked into one of the aisles. He chanced a look but ducked back when a shape just ran on through. He decided just to stay there and be quiet until they were gone but then the stacks started to topple down and fall on one another until the stack he was hiding behind went and fell on him and trapped him to the floor. Jackson tried to pull himself free but was stuck under the weight. Suddenly, he froze when he felt some new weight on him. He tried not to scream when he felt breathing on him.

The shape let out a growl as it approached but backed off when it saw the scratches on the boy's neck. They glowed a soft blue and it drew the beast away, shining its red eyes at Jackson before it then went and crashed through the store window. The girl in the car, Lydia, was shocked out of her routine and screamed as it kept running off.


Stiles was with his father in his squad car as they enjoyed some fast food together. Stiles was feeling more protective of his father ever since that whole close call with Derek and the talk they had about the hunters.

As the sheriff looked at their orders he narrowed his eyes. "Did they forget my curly fries?"

"You're not supposed to eat fries," Stiles dismissed. "Especially the curly ones."

"I'm carrying a lethal weapon. If I want the curly fries I will have the curly fries."

'Well I have a more lethal weapon hidden beneath my fingers and if I say you don't get curly fries then you don't get them,' Stiles argued back in his mind. He just said to his father. "If you think getting rid of contractions in your sentences makes your argument any more legitimate you are wrong."

His dad just looked at him but Stiles smirked in victory. He was surprised when the dispatch radio sounded.

"Unit 1, you copy?"

Stiles quickly reached over for the radio but his dad slapped his hand off as he cleared his throat authoritatively at him. His father gave him a look that Stiles easily read off as 'What do you think you're doing?'

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