The Magic Bullet part 2

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Scott and Allison were brought outside to help with unloading the groceries from the car and Scott tried very hard not to let the fact that Mr. Argent's eyes were following after his every move. Scott had turned his phone back on to see that he had another text from Stiles. It said that Derek wasn't looking too good. When Allison came back to him he asked if they were still going to study.

"She'll do fine on her own," her father sternly insisted.

Scott shrugged. "Guess I'll see you later then."

"At school," her father answered for her. Scott was going over for a goodbye hug but he stopped them. "You, on your bike," he said to Scott before turning to his daughter. "You, inside."

But Kate slammed the back car door down and stomped over. "Oh come on Chris, really? They were making out in the garage, not shooting amateur porn," she said before grabbing onto Scott's shoulder. "You, with the adorable brown eyes, drop your bike. You're staying for dinner."

With that she went inside with Allison following right after her leaving Scott alone outside the house with Chris.

"You don't mind?" he asked him.

"Actually no," Mr. Argent said before taking him by the shoulder. "It'll give us a chance to get to know each other." He then walked with him back inside.

Dinner was a tense affair. Scott spent the entire time trying to keep his pulse steady, avoid letting it rise like Stiles said so not to shift in front of the hunters sitting right across from him. He almost didn't hear Allison's mom ask if he wanted something other than water.

"Oh, no. I'm good, thanks."

"I could get you some beer," Mr. Argent offered with a soft gaze.

"Uh, no thanks," Scott said.

"Shot of tequila?" he offered again.

"Dad," Allison cut in. "Really?"

"You don't drink Scott?" he asked him.

"Not old enough too," said Scott.

"That doesn't seem to stop many teenagers," Mrs. Argent threw in.

"It should," Scott said tensely.

"Good answer," said Kate. "Total lie but well played Scott. You may yet survive the night," she teased.

"You smoke pot," Mr. Argent asked as Scott was trying to drink some water.

"Okay, changing the channel to something a little less conservative," Kate chuckled out. "So Scott, Allison tells us that you're on the lacrosse team." He nodded. "I'm sorry. I don't know anything about that. How do you play?"

"Uh, well you know hockey? It's kind of like that but it's played on grass instead of ice."

"Hockey on grass is called field hockey," Mr. Argent threw in.

"Oh," Scott said slowly. "Yeah."

Allison decided to come to his rescue. "So, it's like field hockey but the sticks have nets."

"Exactly," he said thankfully. His phone then beeped to alert him of another text message. Scott looked down to see that Stiles had messaged him to call.

"Can you slap check like hockey?" asked Kate.

"Yeah," said Scott. "But it's only the gloves and the sticks."

"Sounds violent," she said a little pleasantly. "I like it."

"Scott's amazing too," Allison said. "Dad came with me to see his first game. He was good, wasn't he?"

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