Wolf's Bane

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It was the dead of night when a certain science teacher was wrapping up some last minute tests to grade. He was cleaning his desk for the night when he noticed a new piece of paper that he hadn't left. He picked it up to see that it was a list of names and they all had X's on them. A few of the names, Harris recognized as the people who had been killed in the recent murders. There was one more name on the list that didn't have an X. His. He went to leave when he heard heavy steps behind him.

"Please, don't kill me," he said.

The voice was snarling and deep as it flexed its claws. "Do you know who wrote that list?"

"Laura," Harris said. "Laura Hale."

"Do you know why she was looking for you?" the deep voice asked. "I know why. Turn around Adrian." Harris didn't want to. "Turn around and I'll show you. Turn around."

"No," Harris cried keeping himself looking away. "Please," he begged.

The voice didn't care. "Look at me. Look at what you've done," he roared before a chair flew and just missed Harris' head.

Harris was then pulled down as Derek came by to cover him. They both looked back to see that the figure had left out the back door. Derek was about to pursue when the sound of sirens and lights poured into the room. The police were there and Derek had to bail before he lost track of the Alpha.

Derek was running through the city streets before he turned into the city iron works to try and lose the cop cars. One of them holding the sheriff. They were trying to box him in but he was just able to dodge them. However, there was someone watching just a bit ahead.

"He's on foot," Chris said into a walkie. "He just headed into the iron works."

"Wait, running," said Kate on the other end. "Into the ironworks. On foot?"

"Yes, that's what I said," Chris said before cutting out.

Kate just shook her head. "Then who the hell is driving his car?" Kate was right now driving after Derek's Camaro but the one behind the wheel was someone she wouldn't have guessed.

In the car Scott was nervously gripping the wheel while Stiles was in the next seat looking behind them.

"Faster?" Scott asked.

Stiles gave him a look. "Much faster," he said like it was obvious.

Scott then put extra gas into it.

Back at the ironworks, the police released the dogs to get their pursued suspect pinned down but Derek quickly turned around and growled at them to make them run back in terror. Sheriff Stilinski and his fellow deputies were confused.

Back with Kate's pursuit of them, Stiles grit his teeth as Kate was still on their tail. "You know Scott, I don't think you're grasping the concept of a car chase. You're not supposed to let the one chasing us keep us in sight."

"If I drive any faster I'll kill us," he said still as tensed as stone.

"Well, if you don't go faster than they're going to kill us!" Stiles shot back. Scott then went and pushed the car to as fast as he could go and soon enough, Stiles lost sight of Kate's car. "They're gone," he said confused.

"That's good, right?" asked Scott.

Stiles had a hunch. He went for his police radio and switched it on. "All units, suspect is on foot heading into the ironworks," his father's voice called out.

Scott shared a look with him. "Drive. Fast," Stiles growled at him.

Derek was running out of places to effectively run without risk of the police seeing his face. He couldn't afford to let them identify him, not now. He entered a part of the ironworks that seemed quiet so far but that was over when a flashbolt exploded right next to him. Derek's vision was blurred for a moment before he was able to focus and see Chris Argent on a high railing reloading his crossbow. Derek moved in time before he could be hit by his next bolt. He took cover behind a forklift and tried to see which way he could run now.

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