Heart Monitor

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Stiles was sitting at the side of his father who was sitting in the hospital bed with a sour look on his face. The doctor came into the room with a clipboard.

"Doctor," Stiles said getting to his feet.

"Well Sheriff, it's not too serious. You just have some tissue damage which will leave you sore for maybe another day or two but you should be fit to protect and serve again in no time."

"Are you sure?" Stiles asked the doctor. "There's nothing else wrong?"

The man smiled. "Your dad is fine. He'll stay here one more night and then be let go in the morning. We'll prescribe some medicine for the pain."

"Thank you doctor," Sheriff Stilinski said as he left and then looked back to his son. "See Stiles, how many times do I have to tell you? I'm fine. Go on home. You have school tomorrow." He moved his arm a little fast and cringed in the aches he felt.

Stiles immediately stiffened. "I can rest here," he said settling in to slouch in the nearby chair. "Go to school from here in the morning."

"Hey Stiles," Melissa McCall said coming into the room. "I just heard you'll be heading on home soon."

"Yeah," the sheriff said with a smile. "Shame a certain someone here is trying to do everything he can not to."

"Forgive me if I don't take my dad getting hit by a car lightly," Stiles said sarcastically and rolling his eyes for more effect.

"It bumped me, it didn't hit me. And you heard the doctor Stiles. I'm fine. Now go, get out of here."

Ms. McCall went over and lightly took him by the shoulder. "It's okay. Go home Stiles. By the time you get home from school tomorrow your dad will be there waiting for you."

Stiles let a huff loose. "Fine, okay. You two can stop with the double team. I'll head on home."

"Good. And," she said looking at her watch. "Speaking of home, I should be getting ready to head back myself."

She then left the father and son alone. Stiles got his jacket on before he stopped to look back at his father.

"I'll be fine son," his dad said once again.

"Okay...just, don't do that again."

His father then fidgeted to make himself comfortable and winced as the pain in his lower side struck again. Stiles then to grasp his hand to help pull him in and get him comfortable. As his father moved Stiles felt a sting in his hand. He looked down at his hand to see that the veins in his hand seem to be running black. They were traveling from his hand to his wrist and up his arm. He could feel as if something was inside his skin, crawling up from the inside. He let go when his father seemed to get comfortable.

His father then fidgeted a bit more. "See, I'm feeling better already," he said with a smile as he moved some more but didn't wince. "You have nothing to be worried about."

As Stiles stepped out of the room he looked down at his hand. The black in his veins was gone. What was that? Did he just do something back there? As he stepped into the parking lot and headed for his car he wondered if he somehow made his father feel better with his werewolf powers. After all, they had the ability to heal. What if he somehow transferred some of that power to help heal his father of the injury? Or...what if he took some of the injury away and pulled it into himself?

Stiles got into his jeep and pulled up but he didn't notice the faint red tint of a spiral being left behind in the parking spot.


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